Product Promotion Types

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You can promote products in categories, PDPs, search results, and on other Ozon pages. There are several types of campaigns to which you can add products:

  • Stencils is a promotion of your products in search results, categories, PDPs, and on other pages at special places. Ozon sets them up automatically, you pay for impressions.
  • Promotion in search results is a tool that helps to increase product position in search results. Ozon charges for promotional products' orders.
  • Brand shelf is a selection of products of the same brand with a logo, customizable header, and a button with a link to the navigation page. Ozon shows it on the search results pages and categories, above and below search results. To make the promotion work better, we recommend merging products with the same name but different characteristics such as size, weight, volume, or number of pieces in a package into one PDP.

You can view active campaigns and their statuses in the PromotionStencils or Promotion in search results section.

Set up promotion #

  1. Go to the PromotionStencils or Promotion in search results section and select promotion type you want to launch: Stencils, Promotion in search results, or Brand shelf, if this format is available to you.
  2. Specify the campaign name.
  3. For Stencils and Brand shelf campaigns, specify the maximum budget per day: at least 500 rubles with VAT. Total amount of expenses may be less, but it won’t exceed the specified budget.
  4. Specify the campaign’s end date or leave this field empty if you want it to work permanently.

Add products to campaign #

  1. On the PromotionStencils or Promotion in search results page, click the campaign name.

  2. Click Add products.

  3. Products available for adding are displayed on the left, the selected ones are displayed on the right. You can find products by name, article code, Ozon ID, or using filters.

    To sort the available products, click Filters and select the parameters: category, brand, price, warehouse, or other criteria. Click Apply.

    You can also add products in a list by article code or Ozon ID. To do this, to the right of the Adding products section name, click List mode.

    You can copy the list from the product report. To do this, go to the Products and pricesManage inventory section and click Download productsCSV products. When the list of the necessary products by article code or Ozon ID is ready, click Add to selected.

  4. When you add all the products, click Add products to campaign.

Products you can’t boost using promotion tools:

  • Nicotine-containing products and devices for its consumption, including hookahs, ashtrays, and lighters;
  • Alcoholic beverages;
  • Covid tests;
  • Prescription drugs.

Disable promotion #

  1. On the PromotionStencils or Promotion in search results page, select the promotion type: Stencils, Promotion in search results, or Brand shelf. You’ll see the Active label next to the active campaign name in the Status column.

  2. Next to the campaign name, click Disable. You can enable it again at any time.

View statistics #

In the report #

You can download the promotion report for the last 12 months in CSV format in your personal account. To do this:

  1. On the PromotionStencils or Promotion in search page, select the promotion type: Stencils, Promotion in search results, or Brand shelf.
  2. Select the necessary campaign from the list and click:
    • Download statistics for “Stencils” and “Brand Shelf”;
    • Download order report for “Promotion in search results”.
  3. Select the period for which you want to get statistics.
  4. For “Stencils” and “Brand shelf” campaigns, in the Grouping field, you can specify how to group data: by days, weeks, or months.
  5. To generate a report, click Download CSV.
  6. Click to open the Recent reports section. It contains the reports you requested for the current day.
  7. Click the necessary file to download it. The file contains data on the main campaign metrics.

In the CSV file, you can view data on impressions, clicks, CTR, orders and model orders, promotion costs, and revenue.

What to do if the CSV file opens incorrectly

Explanations for some fields:

  • Product price: current product price at the time of file download.
  • CTR (click-through rate): ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions.
  • Average rate per click / per 1,000 impressions: arithmetic average of all rates.
  • Orders: number of products sold. If the customer purchased the product within 3 days after the display in the “Stencils”, the order will be attributed to this campaign.
  • Model orders: orders of the same product, but of a different model. For example, the customer clicked a link to a size 42 dress, and bought a size 44 dress. The order gets into the “Stencils” campaign report if the customer bought another model of this product within 3 days after the product display.
  • Expense: product promotion’s costs in the accounting period, total amount of all winning rates.
  • Revenue: cost of all orders for a specific product in the campaign.
    Revenue from model orders: cost of all orders of the same product in other variations. Ozon recommends summarizing these metrics when analyzing the report: this will help you find out
    how much revenue each product brought to the campaign.


You’ve added a blue dress to the campaign at a price of 1000 rubles, but the customers bought 10 similar dresses in red, not blue. In the Revenue field, the value will be 0, but this doesn’t mean that the campaign is ineffective. With the campaign, you attracted customers to another variant of the same product and received revenue of 10,000 rubles. It’ll be displayed in the Revenue from model orders field.

When calculating revenue, Ozon takes the price at which the customer purchased the product into account. It may be lower than the price you set, for example, if the customer purchased the product on a promotion or used points for payment.

Ozon recommends paying attention to the number of impressions, CTR, and orders. A high CTR means that customers are interested in your product and often switch to it. If the product has few orders or impressions, Ozon recommends increasing the rate: the product will be able to win more auctions and will be shown to customers more often. If the CTR is low, we recommend lowering the rate.

On the “Analytics” tab #

You can analyze the promotion results for particular products or a product category over a time period. It’ll help you see which promotion tools are more effective.

To view the analytics:

  1. In the PromotionStencils or Promotion in search section, go to the Analytics tab.
  2. Select the promotion type.
  3. Select a time period up to 90 days.
  4. Select the products or product categories for which you want to view the data.

The graph displays data for the selected period. To view graphs for other metrics, switch between tabs.

CSV file opens incorrectly #

Sometimes, due to different encodings, the CSV file may not open correctly in Excel. In such cases, you can use the “Import data from text” feature in Excel: the program will automatically detect the encoding type, and the file will open correctly. To do this:

  1. Create a new document in Excel.
  2. Go to the Data → Getting external data → From text tab.
  3. Select the downloaded statistics file.
  4. Select With separators data format and click Next.
  5. Select the Semicolon separator and save the resulting file. You can edit it in Excel.

How product promotion types differ #

Brand shelf #

You need to add from 3 to 9 products to the “Brand shelf” campaign. Before launching, make sure that there are enough products in the warehouse: at least three products must have stocks, otherwise the impressions will stop.

To add a product to an active campaign, in the Product selection window, click Add product.

Promotion in search results #

In the “Promotion in search results” campaign, in the Add products window, you can set the total rate for all selected products as a percentage of product price. The minimum rate is specified by default.

After adding products to campaign, you can change the rate.

I can’t add a product to campaign #

The product may not be in stock. You can’t add missing or non-selling products to campaigns.

Launch a campaign with a new product or product without a rating #

For the campaign to be successful, Ozon recommends:

  • Work out the PDP. Make a detailed text description, fill in all the attributes, add images in high quality so that the customer can see the benefits and make a purchase decision.
  • Increase number of reviews. To do this, you can use the “Reviews for points” tool.