Pinned reviews

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Pinned reviews is a tool that you can use to increase customer confidence and conversion of their views into purchases. Pin a review that you find useful for customers. It will be displayed:

  • In a separate block on the PDP. Customers will be able to read this review without opening the list of all reviews.

  • In the first position on the list of reviews for all product variants.

Pin a review #

  1. Go to the Reviews → Pinning review section.

  2. Click Select a review next to the product you want to pin a review to.

    You can pin only one review per one product.

  3. Select the review that you find the most useful for customers. Click on the row with the review text to view the entire review and click Pin.

    Before selecting a review, make sure that it’s valid for all products merged into one PDP: the review will be pinned to all product variants.

Once you pin the review, we’ll start highlighting it on the PDP and charge you the service fee.

Replace a review #

  1. Go to the Reviews → Pinning review section.

  2. Select a product that already has this service connected. It should have one of the following statuses: “Active”, “Suspended”, or “No review”. Use the status filter to find the necessary product faster.

    If the product with the service enabled is not in stock, it won’t be displayed on the general list. To find such product, use a status filter or search by product name or ID. The service for such products will still be active and the review will still be pinned.
  3. Go to product reviews: if your product has the service in the “Active” status, click on the row with the selected review. For products in other service status, click Select review.

  4. Select another review from the list: click on the row with the review and click Replace review.

    We’ll start showing a new pinned review on the selected product and all its variants.

Unpin a review #

  1. Go to the Reviews → Pinning review section.

  2. Click the product with the “Active” service status.

  3. Click the first review in the table or the block under the product name. You’ll see the currently pinned review.

  4. Click Unpin review.

From this moment on, the review will no longer be displayed first on the list and as a separate block on the PDP and all its variants.

Starting the next period, Ozon won’t withhold the service fee for pinning the review for this product.

If you want to pin another review for the same product before your paid period ends, Ozon won’t charge you an additional fee. Once the next period begins, we’ll continue to withhold it as per the usual schedule.

Download analytics #

  1. Go to the Reviews → Pinning review section.

  2. Click More → Download analytics in Excel.

The XLS report contains data for the entire period of service use:

  • the date of the service,
  • SKU,
  • expenses in rubles including VAT.

“Pinning reviews” service statuses #

Service status Description
“Active” The review is pinned on the PDP. The service is active, and Ozon withholds a fee for it. You can pin any review regardless of the product’s rating.
“Suspended” You’ve unpinned the review. Once the paid period is over, Ozon will stop withholding the service fee, and the service for this product will change its status to “Completed”. Until this happens, you can pin another review at no additional cost.
“Completed” You’ve unpinned the review. The service is no longer active, and Ozon doesn’t withhold a service fee for it.
“No review” Customers can delete or edit reviews. If this happens to the pinned review, the product status will change to the “No review” status. During this period, the review won’t be pinned. To make the pinned review shown on the PDP again:
- if the customere edited the review: srudy the modified version and decide whether to keep this review pinned or select another one;
- if the customer deleted the review: select another review to pin.

If you want to disable the service for this product, you don’t need to do anything: if you don’t save the modified review and select another one, the service will stop working once the paid period ends.
If you’ve archived the product, the service status will also change to “No review”. The service for this product will be deactivated as soon as the paid period ends.

Pay for pinning the review #

Ozon withholds a service fee once a day per each pinned review. If you have several pinned reviews, we’ll charge the total service fee. You’ll still be able to edit the review at no extra charge.

If a review is pinned on several product variants merged into one PDP, the cost won’t be higher. Ozon will still be withholding the fee for one review.

Learn more about the service cost

You can view your expenses for this service: