Product Statuses and Availability

Product Statuses #

To start selling a product on Ozon:

  1. Set a price.
  2. Update the stocks in your warehouse.
  3. Wait for moderation (1–3 days).

Product statuses and visibility are displayed in the Products → Manage Inventory section. The status shows whether the product has successfully passed moderation, and it includes the following:

  • Main status,

  • Substatus, which explains why the product has such main status.

Visibility shows whether the PDP is available on Ozon. All foreign sellers work under the FBS scheme, so you should pay attention to FBS visibility. FBO visibility is not relevant for you. It is displayed for sellers who work under the FBO scheme.

Main status Substatus Visibility Explanation
On sale - Yes The product can be purchased on Ozon.
On sale Updating the product Yes You have edited the product, and now we are checking the changes. The product is displayed on Ozon with the old characteristics and can be purchased.
On sale Not updated Yes You have edited the product, but the changes could not be applied. The product is displayed on Ozon with the old characteristics and can be purchased.
Ready for sale Out of stock No The product can’t be purchased on Ozon as long as it is out of stock. Please enter its quantity in your warehouse.
Ready for sale You have turned the visibility off No You have turned the visibility of the product off, and it can’t be purchased on Ozon.
Not on sale Creating the product No The product hasn’t yet been created on Ozon and can’t be purchased yet.
Not on sale In moderation No You have edited a product or created a new one. We are checking the changes. It usually takes 1–3 days. The product can’t be purchased on Ozon yet.
Not on sale Not created No Failed to create a product with these characteristics. Please make sure you have specified the characteristics correctly. The product can’t be purchased on Ozon yet.
Not on sale Failed to pass moderation No You have edited the product or created a new one. We have checked the changes and found errors. Fix them and save the product again to resubmit it for moderation. The product can’t be purchased on Ozon yet.
Not on sale Blocked: FBS blocking reasons No The product is blocked and can’t be purchased on Ozon.

Availability at the Warehouse #

In order to see the detailed information on the product quantity in the warehouse, hover over the quantity of the necessary product on the Products → Manage Inventory page:

Status values:

  • Available: the quantity of products that can be purchased on Ozon. This quantity includes marked-down products.

  • Marked-down: the quantity of marked-down products that can be purchased on Ozon. This status is not used for sellers from abroad.

  • Reserved: the quantity of products that have been reserved by customers. Products are considered to be reserved from the moment an order is placed on Ozon and until they are packed for delivery to the customer.

  • Total products: the total quantity of products in the warehouse.