Orders from the Ozon partner’s warehouse can be canceled by:
- Ozon partner’s warehouse,
- customer,
- shipping provider,
- Ozon.
You can view the cancellation reason in the Logistics → Orders from my warehouses → Canceled section in the “Cancellation reason” column.
Partner’s warehouse #
Ozon partner may cancel the order in the following cases:
- The product is damaged or lost during storage in the warehouse. You can view compensation terms and amounts on the partner’s website.
- You haven’t paid for the partner’s services.
Shipping provider #
Shipping provider may cancel the order in the following cases:
It contains products that are prohibited for transportation or don’t meet the shipping provider’s requirements.
It was lost during transportation. If Ozon doesn’t find the order, you’ll get its cost compensation 20 days after cancellation. You can check the compensation accrual in the Finance → Documents → Compensation section.
Customer #
The customer can cancel the order in the Awaiting packaging status.
Ozon #
Ozon may cancel the order in the following cases:
- It violates the rules of the contract.
- The customer didn’t provide passport details within 24 hours after order creation.
- The customer didn’t pick up the order.