Working with Orders

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You can track orders from partner’s warehouse in your personal account in the FBP → Orders from partner warehouses section.

How to set up a partner warehouse

Statuses #

Ozon assigns a status to every order. It helps to understand which stage your order is at:

  • Awaiting packaging: the partner warehouse received the task and started packaging the order.

  • Registration in progress: the partner warehouse has packaged the order.

  • Ready for shipment: the partner warehouse is waiting for the carrier to transfer the order.

  • Accepted for delivery: the carrier accepted the order and sent it for delivery.

  • Arrived at the pick-up point: the order was delivered to the pick-up point.

  • Presumably delivered: the customer received the order.

  • Delivered: the customer didn’t dispute receiving the order and picked it up.

  • Canceled: the order was canceled.

Find the order #

Depending on the status, you can find orders on the tabs:

  • Awaiting packaging: all new orders from partner’s warehouse.

  • Awaiting shipping: the order is packaged in the warehouse. The warehouse employees are preparing it to hand over to shipping provider. Order processing and handover takes up to 24 hours.

  • In transit: the shipping provider received the shipment. Products from partner’s warehouse are picked up daily at 10:00 Chinese time.

  • Disputed: the customer refused to pick up the order. You can contact them to find out the reason:

    1. On the Disputed tab, click the shipment number.
    2. On the shipment page, click Contact the customer.
  • Delivered: the customer received the order.

  • Cancelled: the order was canceled. You can view who and why canceled the order in the Cancellation reason and Cancellation initiator columns.

    Learn more about order cancellations

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