Delivery Quality Control

We track the quality of the service that our partners provide to Ozon customers at each stage. It’s crucial for each partner to deliver their orders on time. Ozon can block partners who do not comply with delivery deadlines.

Product delivery quality control checklist

Basic delivery rules #

  • Don’t change the delivery channel. If the customer chooses delivery by courier, you can’t deliver their order to a pick-up point or post office.
  • Don’t change pick-up points. The order must be delivered to the pickup point at the address specified by the customer.
  • Comply with delivery dates. If the delivery date on the PDP is June 20-25, the order must arrive exactly at that time.

Learn more about Order Management

Step 1: Order packaging #

The order is displayed in your seller profile: Logistics → Orders from my warehouses → Awaiting packaging or FBS → Orders from my warehouses → Awaiting packaging. You have up to 5 days to package the order. When the order is packaged, the status changes to “Awaiting shipment”.

If the order is in the “Awaiting Packaging” status for less than 5 days, but longer than the terms that you set when setting up the warehouse, Ozon will notify you about the delay. If the order status does not change by the end of the next day after receiving this notification, Ozon will cancel the order.

Step 2: Order shipment #

Select a delivery service and method. Add the order tracking number.

When setting up the delivery method, specify the hour by which you will transfer the order to the carrier. If the order is received before the specified time, ship the products on the last day of packing. If it’s received after the specified time, ship it on the next day after the end of the packing period.

If your warehouse is in another city, or the carrier you are shipping orders to pass them on to the trunk carrier in another city or region, set up the first mile for the shipping method. After that, you’ll be able to add up to 9 extra days for transferring the order to ship. If you have the first mile set up, in your seller profile you will see the additional Transferred for delivery status.

Learn more about managing delivery methods

Step 3: Delivery #

We automatically track only the statuses of integrated delivery services. If you use a non-integrated delivery service, change statuses of your shipments manually.

If you haven’t delivered the product within the time frame shown to the customer at the time of ordering, Ozon will notify you of the violation. If you don’t provide Ozon with the actual delivery dates within 3 days after that notification, Ozon will cancel your order. You must reschedule your planned delivery no later than the end of the next day.

If the parcel is not delivered to the customer within 20 days of order receipt, Ozon can cancel it at the customer’s request without any additional approvals.

Ozon will also cancel your order if you:

  • didn’t provide a shipment tracking number,
  • provided an invalid, untraceable shipment tracking number,
  • sent a package at the “No Tracking” plan,
  • can’t be reached for two days if we try to contact you to clarify delivery information.