Launch Steps
How to start working on Ozon
Quality Assurance
How we monitor quality of your products and services
🎓 Global University courses in selling with Ozon #
To understand the subject faster and study it with real-life examples, take free courses at Global University.
Seller sign-up process
What will you learn?
How Ozon marketplace works, and how to set up your personal account.
Select the language for your course. Use the one that you specified when signing up for Global University:
Logistics settings
What will you learn?
What work principles of the RealFBS (rFBS) scheme are.
Select the language for your course. Use the one that you specified when signing up for Global University:
Sale from partner’s warehouse (FBP)
What will you learn?
The features and benefits of working under the FBP scheme.
Select the language for your course. Use the one that you specified when signing up for Global University:
Quality standards
What will you learn?
What service quality metrics are monitored by Ozon. How they are calculated and what they affect.
Select the language for your course. Use the one that you specified when signing up for Global University: