
We check the details of all new and edited products. A product successfully passes moderation if all its required characteristics are filled in, and a correct description and images have been added.

Check the moderation results #

If there are many products that didn’t pass moderation, you can download the report in XLS format with a description of errors for all of them. To do this:

  1. Go to the Products and prices → Product list → Errors section.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click Download and select Products by category XLS.
  3. To open the Download manager, click . There you’ll find XLS files with all the products for each category that has errors.

To download one or more products:

  1. Go to the Products and prices → Product list → Errors section.

  2. Check the products you want to get the download for.

  3. Select ActionsDownload template.

  4. To open the Download manager, click . Here you can download XLS files for the selected products.

Correct the errors #

You can fix the errors found during moderation:

  • Go to the Products and prices → Product list → Errors section. In the product row, click → Edit product. Click Submit. The changes will be moderated.

  • In the XLS file, download the previously uploaded file with products, correct it, and re-upload. To do this:

    1. Go to the Products and prices → Upload products via Ozon template page.

    2. In the Import history section, find the necessary file row. Click → Download products with errors.
      Correct errors in the file.

    3. In the Fill out the template section, select Excel, upload the corrected file, and click Publish.

The moderators will re-check your products.

How long the moderation takes #

  • After you added a new product, it will be checked within 1–3 business days. The product won’t be shown to customers until this is done. The product will start being shown when moderation is passed successfully, and you supply the product to Ozon warehouse and specify its stock in your warehouse.
  • After you edited a product that has already passed moderation earlier, it will be checked within 1 business day. During the check, the product will continue being shown. If any errors are found in the edited product, it will be hidden.
  • If after adding or editing a product that ended up not passing moderation you correct the errors and save the changes, the product will be checked within 1 business day. Until that, the product is not shown to customers, you can’t supply it to an Ozon warehouse and specify its stock in your warehouse.

Moderation errors #

Errors may occur during moderation that will make the product not show up on Ozon.

Learn more about errors