Big Ozon Sales

Ozon regularly holds promotions you can use to promote your products. During big Ozon sales, we launch thematic campaigns and advertise your products that participate in promotions.

Current and future sales #

“Back to School” sale from August 14 to September 3 #

A multi-category sale during which we offer discounts on essential school supplies.

Starting July 31, 2024, we run a promo campaign for the sale. We invest a billion rubles to advertise it on TV, billboards, radio, and on the Internet. From July 31 to August 13 inclusive, products that participated in the Big Clothing Sale are featured in the Discounts of the Week campaign if you don’t remove them from promotions.

Big Clothing Sale from July 17 to 30 #

A sale during which we offer discounts on products of all categories, especially clothing, shoes, and accessories.

Starting July 3, 2024, we run a promo campaign for the sale and advertise it on TV, billboards, radio, and on the Internet. From July 3 to 16 inclusive, products that participated in the “О! Sale” are featured in the Discounts of the Week campaign if you don’t remove them from promotions.

Promotion types #

We renamed the “Megahits”, “Superhits”, and “Hits” promotions. Now they’re called “Boosting x4. Unlimited period”, “Boosting x3. Unlimited period”, and “Boosting x2. Unlimited period”.
  • “Boosting x4. Unlimited period”: participating products have the biggest discount and the highest position in search results.
  • “Boosting x3. Unlimited period”: participating products have an average discount. They are shown higher in search results than products from the “Boosting x2. Unlimited period” promotion.
  • “Boosting x2. Unlimited period”: participating products have the lowest discount. They are shown higher in search results than products that don’t participate in promotions.

In the Promotion → Promotions section you can view a list of current Ozon promotions that your products participate in.

Differences between promotions #

What we offer “Boosting x4. Unlimited period” “Boosting x3. Unlimited period” “Boosting x2. Unlimited period”
Access to all products participating in the sale from the main pages of website or mobile app by clicking the banner Yes Yes Yes
Access to the products from the sale page Yes Yes Yes
Sales filter in the search results Yes Yes Yes
Stocks counter on the PDP Make sure to update the stocks You can update the stocks manually. They’ll be updated automatically if the product has been sold for the last 30 days There’s no need to update the stocks, but we recommend doing it
Position in search and categories Maximum for the entire sale period Below “Boosting x4. Unlimited period” products Above products outside the sale

Get additional benefits for completing targets #

Complete the daily target by keeping the share of promotional sales at a certain level, and we’ll raise your promotional products in search results the next day.
Promotion Standard benefits After completing a target
“Boosting x4. Unlimited period” х4 boosting х5 boosting
“Boosting x3. Unlimited period” х3 boosting х4 boosting
“Boosting x2. Unlimited period” х2 boosting х3 boosting

We’re launching the program on May 27, 2024, and will gradually make it accessible to sellers.

We calculate the share of promotional sales using the formula:

Promotional turnover is the seller’s daily revenue in major Ozon promotions. We take into account sales:

  • In the “Boosting x2. Unlimited period”, “Boosting x3. Unlimited period”, and “Boosting x4. Unlimited period” promotions.
  • At the best price. The promotional price should be lower than:
    • your current price;
    • the price at which the product participates in other Ozon promotions;
    • the price at which the product participates in your promotions.

Total turnover is the seller’s total daily revenue.

Example 1

The product participates in the seller’s promotion at 200 rubles and in Ozon promotion at 150 rubles. The sale will be on Ozon promotion for 150 rubles and count towards the daily target.

Example 2

The product participates in the seller’s promotion at 150 rubles and in Ozon promotion at 200 rubles. The sale will be on seller’s promotion for 150 rubles and won’t count towards the daily target.

You can track your progress in the Promotion → Promotions section. We update the data at least once an hour.

  • Yesterday: your results for the previous day. If you completed the target yesterday, the competition percentage will be highlighted in green, and if you didn’t, it’ll be red.
  • Today: your progress for the current day. Your progress percentage is highlighted in red until you complete the target. Once you complete it, the percentage value turns green. Completing a target today affects getting a boost tomorrow.
  • Click History of Achievements to download a file with values for other days.

You can view your promotional sales in the “Sales Report” on the Analytics tab.


On April 17, your share of promotional sales is 45%, and the target is 40%. This means that you’ve completed the target, and on April 18 the products will receive an additional boost in search result.

To keep this boost on April 19, don’t remove products from the promotion and proceed with your April 18 target.

Discount amount #

The discount amount depends on the product category, promotion mechanics, and prices for similar products on other marketplaces. We calculate the discount based on the median product price in the last 30 days.

For example, if the median price of a product is 900 rubles, we’ll ask you to offer a discount on this price.

To participate in promotions, set a minimum discount of:

  • 5% for products with a regular price up to 10,000 rubles,
  • 500 rubles for products more expensive than 10,000 rubles.

Product price shouldn’t be higher than the competitors' on other marketplaces. Ozon discounts and seller coupons aren’t taken into account.

If the price doesn’t meet these conditions, the product will be highlighted in red. We’ll ask you to change its price, otherwise Ozon may exclude your products from promotions.

Discounts on products in sale #

If a product with a minimum price is added to promotion, it’s price won’t decrease.

Category “Boosting x4. Unlimited period” “Boosting x3. Unlimited period” “Boosting x2. Unlimited period”
Accessories from 24% from 18% from 12%
Adult Products from 20% from 16% from 10%
Antiques & Collectibles from 18% from 12% from 6%
Beauty & Health from 18% from 13% from 8%
Books from 13% from 10% from 5%
Car Products from 9% from 7% from 5%
Children’s Products from 12% from 10% from 7%
Clothing from 21% from 14% from 8%
Construction & Repair from 14% from 10% from 5%
Electronics from 11% from 8% from 5%
Food from 17% from 12% from 7%
Furniture from 15% from 10% from 5%
Games & Consoles from 14% from 9% from 5%
Hobbies & Crafts from 17% from 11% from 5%
House & Garden from 15% from 10% from 5%
Home Appliances from 12% from 9% from 5%
Household Chemicals & Hygiene from 18% from 13% from 8%
Music & Video from 12% from 9% from 6%
Pet Products from 18% from 13% from 8%
Pharmacy from 15% from 8% from 5%
Shoes from 19% from 16% from 12%
Sports & Recreation from 11% from 9% from 6%
Stationery from 18% from 13% from 7%
Tourism, Fishing, Hunting from 12% from 8% from 5%

Products that can participate in promotions #

You can participate in promotions with any products except for alcohol, electronic cigarettes, and smoking supplies.

Products prohibited for sale

To participate in the promotions, your products must meet at least two of the following requirements:

  • less than 10% of complaints about the product;
  • less than 10% of refunds, unpurchased products, and unclaimed orders;
  • the average product rating not less than 3.

If you add into promotion the products that are uploaded less than 60 days ago, we don’t take into account complaints about them, their reviews, and average rating.

Add products to promotions #

Promotional discounts don’t sum up. If the product participates in two different promotions, it’s sold at the price of the promotion with a higher discount. The lower discount applies when the products from the promotion with a higher discount are sold out.

You can add or remove products from promotions and change the discount amount at any time until the promotion ends.

Boosting promotional products #

In the app and on the Ozon website, we’ll:

  • Create a separate page for each sale.
  • Put a sticker on the PDP about participation in the sale and a promotional price.
  • Show the stocks counter on the PDPs on promotion days.
  • Add a filter by promotional products to the website search.
  • Raise the products in search results and catalog.
  • Launch TV commercials and ads on radio and on social media, place outdoor advertising in large cities, and send notifications to customers.

You can boost the promotion of your products using special tools. For example, raise products above other participants of the promotion: in the Promotion → Promotions section click Boost your promotions.

Products that don’t participate in the promotions will drop in search results and catalog. It’ll be more difficult for customers to find them.

Track the participation effect #

You can track the participation effect in your personal account in the Analytics section:

  • by promotions: their schedule is compatible with the sales schedule, so that it’s more convenient to track the participation effect;
  • by the sales schedule: it most clearly shows how sales are growing at the moment.


If the products have recently participated in other promotions, how to calculate the minimum discount for this one? #

Ozon calculates the discount based on the median product price for the last 30 days. Seller coupons aren’t taken into account.

How is the discount calculated and displayed on the promotion page in the personal account? #

The promotion page displays only the percentage by which you need to reduce the price more.

The terms and promotional prices haven’t changed. We updated only the display of current prices and discounts in the personal account. Now we show the discount from the price to which the sales rate applies, including the discounts you’ve set. Ozon discount points aren’t taken into account.


You’ve set the product price of 1,000 rubles in your personal account. Then you added this product to the “Boosting x2. Unlimited period” promotion. The required discount for promotion in this product category is 15%. The promotional price from which the sales fee is calculated is 850 rubles.

You decided to participate in other promotions with unlimited period. The required discount for promotion in this product category is 20% for “Boosting x3. Unlimited period” and 25% for “Boosting x4. Unlimited period.”

Earlier in your personal account:

  • on the “Boosting x3. Unlimited period” page, we displayed the current price of 1,000 rubles, the required 20% discount, and the promotional price of 800 rubles;
  • on the “Boosting x4. Unlimited period” page, we displayed the current price of 1,000 rubles, the required 25% discount, and the promotional price of 750 rubles.

Now prices are displayed taking into account participation in other promotions:

  • for “Boosting x3. Unlimited period”, the current price is 850 rubles, the required discount is about 6%, and the promotional price is 800 rubles;
  • for “Boosting x4. Unlimited period”, the current price is 850 rubles, the required discount is about 12%, and the promotional price is 750 rubles.

Why is there a negative discount in one of the promotions? #

Sometimes the discount in your personal account can be negative.

For example, you decided to participate in the “Boosting x3. Unlimited period” and “Boosting x4. Unlimited period” promotions. The sales fee is calculated from the best price, which is 750 rubles, taking into account the “Boosting x4. Unlimited period” promotion.

On the “Boosting x4. Unlimited period” page, you’ll see a 0% discount. The product is already sold at this price, so you don’t need to change the discount amount. On the “Boosting x3. Unlimited period” page, you’ll see a negative percentage, because the product discount is already higher than the necessary one for this promotion type.