Ozon Travel support service contacts

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Due to flight cancellations, we receive a lot of requests. We process them in order of urgency: first, requests with the closest departure date, and then the canceled flights.

If you have already sent a request to the support service, you do not need to create extra ones. We’ll be sure to respond to your email. The refund period depends on the airline and takes up to 30 days.

If you have any questions about buying tickets or your upcoming trip, contact our support team via the Ozon Travel chat.

Ozon Travel customer service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you have a question about placed order, be ready to give its number in the Z-12345678-0001 or 12345678-0001 format.

Common (paid) Ozon Travel support line #

Common line number: +7 809 505-34-00.

There is a call fee. The cost of the call including VAT is from 55 rubles per minute depending on the region and operator, including hold time and phone-call duration.

Before making a call, make sure that your tariff plan allows you to call paid numbers.

Priority (free) Ozon Travel support line #

Priority support line is available for:

Priority line numbers

Moscow: +7 495 787-28-88

Regions: +7 800 775-70-70

Use the phone number that was specified in the order.