Fitting clothes and shoes

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You can order clothes and shoes in several sizes, try them on at the delivery time and leave only the products that fit, and return the rest. Fitting is possible upon delivery by courier and to pick-up points where there are fitting rooms.

Learn more about our fitting rooms

Pick-up point #

When placing an order, use filters to select the pick-up point which has fitting rooms. When you receive the products, you will be able to fit clothes or shoes, and then leave only what fit.

Courier #

If the order is delivered by an Ozon courier, you will have 15 minutes to fit it. If the seller himself or other transport companies deliver the order, you won’t have this time.

Order payment #

There is no mandatory redemption percentage. We will refund the money for those products from which you refused. When rejecting all products, we will refund your money for the order and delivery.

We will transfer the money to the bank within 10 days–you will receive a notification. We can’t affect how long it takes for the bank to process the payment, because the bank actually has the money. It usually takes 2-3 days, but if there is a delay, contact your bank.

Learn more about the money refund

If you have any questions, contact us.