Blocking Reasons

Your account, product, or warehouse may be blocked if you’ve violated the marketplace rules.

Reasons for account blocking #

  • You don’t follow the terms of your contract with Ozon or the platform guidelines by:

    • violating shipping deadlines;
    • selling low-quality, counterfeit, or prohibited products;
    • canceling orders frequently;
    • having a high return rate of defective products;
    • committing copyright infringement;
    • filling out PDPs incorrectly.
      Contract for Sellers on the Ozon Marketplace
  • You created more than 10 accounts with one Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) or business license. Access to advertising campaigns is restricted and your products are blocked.

  • Your personal account is inactive. We block an account if there is no activity in it and:

    • 45 days have passed from the acceptance of the offer to product upload;
    • 60 days have passed from the product upload to the first sale.

    To unblock your account, contact our support team. Select the Setting up a personal account → Authorization in a personal account topic.

Reason Blocking period Unblocking Additional conditions Payments
Poor product quality according to customers rating Permanently, if the product quality rating doesn't increase within 45 days from the moment of temporary blocking. Impossible Suspended for 3 months so that customers have time to receive or return products.
A large number of returns with defects Permanently Impossible Suspended for 3 months so that customers have time to receive or return products.
High percentage of cancellations or overdue shipments Permanently Impossible You get blocked if you fail the Ozon Global quality standards test. Made as usual
Over 60 days of inactivity on the platform Until the unblocking conditions are met. Contact our support team or open a new store. Made as usual
Sale of counterfeit products Until the unblocking conditions are met. In case of repeated violation, blocking is permanent. Provide brand documents or remove the counterfeit product. Contact our support team once you meet the unblocking conditions. Stopped
Sale of prohibited products Until the unblocking conditions are met. In case of repeated violation, blocking is permanent. Archive prohibited products. Contact our support team once you meet the unblocking conditions. Made as usual
Copyright infringement Until the unblocking conditions are met. In case of repeated violation, blocking is permanent. Archive the third-party content. Contact our support team once you meet the unblocking conditions. Made as usual
Violated the requirements for filling out PDPs Until the unblocking conditions are met Archive the PDPs Contact our support team once you meet the unblocking conditions. Made as usual

Reasons for product blocking #

While the product is blocked, we make payments as usual.

Reason Blocking period Unblocking Additional conditions
Sale of counterfeit products Until the unblocking conditions are met. In case of repeated violation, blocking is permanent. Provide brand documents or remove the counterfeit product. Contact our support team once you meet the unblocking conditions.
Sale of prohibited products Permanently Impossible
No quality documents Until the unblocking conditions are met Provide the documents and wait for their approval. Make sure that the information in the document matches the PDP. If the documents are approved, but information in them doesn't match the PDP, the product remains blocked.
No brand documents Until the unblocking conditions are met Provide brand documents and wait for their approval. If the documents are already approved, we unblock the product once we receive your request.
The product price has increased or decreased sharply Until the unblocking conditions are met Adjust the product price in your personal account. We unblock the product once it passes moderation.
The product had no sales for the last 30–45 days Until the unblocking conditions are met We unblock the product if:
  • You had orders during the billing period. To verify them, we ask for the order numbers.
  • You paid the full amount of the product promotion.
  • The product is added in a personal account that is currently blocked The same as for the blocked personal account As soon as the personal account is unblocked Depending on the reason for account blocking, you can:
  • upload product documents,
  • archive all products.
  • Incorrect category and type Until the unblocking conditions are met Move the product to the correct category, select the correct type, and wait until the PDP passes moderation.
    Incorrect images Until the unblocking conditions are met Upload new images that meet Ozon requirements and contact our support team.
    PDPs are filled in incorrectly Until the unblocking conditions are met Correct the errors and contact our support team.
    Copyright infringement Until the unblocking conditions are met Confirm your authorship or edit the PDP. Contact our support team once you meet the unblocking conditions.
    The product doesn't match its characteristics on the PDP Permanently Impossible

    Reasons for warehouse blocking #

    • Sale of poor quality or counterfeit products.
    • Violation of order packaging and shipping deadlines. The percentage of violations exceeds the maximum allowed values.
      Learn more about service quality metrics
    • High percentage of cancellations.
    • High percentage of returns with defects.
    • Debt to the JDL partner warehouse—for sellers working under the FBP scheme.

    While the warehouse is blocked, we make payments as usual.

    Reason Blocking period Unblocking Additional conditions
    Poor product quality according to customers rating Temporary blocking for 7 days Improve the quality of your products within 45 days after blocking. Otherwise, your account will be permanently blocked.
    Sale of counterfeit products Permanently Impossible Suspended for 3 months
    A large number of returns with defects You can check the moderation period with our support team After passing moderation During moderation, the products aren't displayed on the storefront.
    High percentage of cancellations or overdue shipments Up to 14 days 3 days after passing the Ozon Global quality standards test The warehouse is blocked if it undergoes 4 consecutive 3-day blocks due to cancellations and overdue shipments in the last 60 days.
    Debt to the JDL partner warehouse—for sellers working under the FBP scheme Until the unblocking conditions are met Pay off the debt to JDL The products aren't displayed on the storefront, but the JDL partner still can charge you for product storage. Once your warehouse is unblocked, we activate it in your personal account within 24 hours.

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