Ozon has disabled chats for some sellers and customers for security purposes: we are fighting scammers who frequently write to the chat.
Do not forward verification codes, documents, or other personal data to anyone other than the support team in your personal account.
View messages and notifications #
To view chats with customers and support, open the Chats section. Tap the necessary tab at the top of the screen:
Customers—questions from customers.
Support—your support requests.
Main—Ozon notifications about changes in processes, conditions, and the contract.
Promotion—notifications for your campaigns.
Training—announcements of webinars and Ozon courses.
Services—information about Ozon services.
Disputes—open disputes.
Tap the message to go to the chat.
Message translation #
If the customer’s communication language differs from yours, the message is automatically translated. To see the original message, tap Original text at the bottom of it.