Service Quality Metrics

Besides product rating, Ozon also calculates additional metrics that show the seller’s performance on the marketplace. Additional metrics aren’t shown to customers.

Each of these metrics has an upper level, exceeding which leads to a blockage of seller’s sales on the marketplace.

Quality metric Upper level Violations
Cancellations of orders due to the seller’s fault ≥10% - Outdated stock balances.
- Issues with packaging or shipping.
- Severe shipping delay.
- Error in the sending method.
- Cancellations from 3PL due to the seller’s fault.
Delayed transfer to delivery ≥20% Violation of the deadline for handing over products to the delivery service.
Delivery channel error ≥1% - The product is delivered by another shipping provider.
- The customer chose courier delivery, but the product is delivered to the pick-up point.
In extraordinary situations, Ozon may raise the upper limit for certain metrics in order to avoid mass and incorrect blocking.

How we calculate quality metrics #

Order cancellations #

This is the ratio of cancellations at the seller’s fault to the total number of shipments that should have been handed over for delivery in the last 14 days. When calculating the metric, shipments for the current and previous day aren’t taken into account. If you exceed the rate, we’ll notify you in your personal account.

Cancellations due to the seller’s fault include:

  • all cancellations via seller’s personal account,
  • cancellations by Ozon in case of a 10-day shipment delay.

For example, this might be the case if the number of products in stock is outdated, and you cancel an order because they’re out of stock and can’t be shipped. This reduces customer loyalty to the marketplace and to products from abroad.

Example of metric calculation for May 20

We divide the number of parcels canceled from May 5 to May 18 by the total number of created shipments. If you canceled 3 parcels and Ozon canceled 2 more due to overdue shipment, and the total number of shipments is 400, the metric is (3+2)/400 = 1,25%. This percentage of cancellations is below the maximum level, so you can continue to sell products on Ozon.

Learn more about cancellations

Cancellations due to the seller’s fault don’t include cases where the delivery wasn’t made due to a technical problem in the personal account on Ozon side. If you can’t deliver a product due to this reason, contact support: select the Sales and supply blocking → By realFBS metrics topic. Attach screenshots of your personal account showing the shipment number and the error text to the request.

Delayed transfer to delivery #

We calculate this metric based on the number of shipments that weren’t sent on time in the last seven days. The calculation doesn’t include the current and the previous day. For example:

  • Products weren’t handed over for to delivery before the metric calculation day.
  • Products were handed over for delivery, but the events on the tracking number started tracking after the expected shipping date.
  • Shipment was canceled after the expected shipping date.

We divide the number of these shipments by the number of orders whose scheduled shipping date falls within this accounting period.

Example of metric calculation for October 15

We take into account all the shipments that weren’t handed over to delivery, and whose shipment period was from October 7 to October 13. We divide their number by the number of all shipments paid by customers for this period. If there were 120 paid shipments, and 10 of them weren’t sent on time, the metric value is 10/120 = 8%. This percentage is below the maximum level, so you can continue selling products on the marketplace.

If you or the customer cancels the shipment before it’s delivered, we won’t take it into account when calculating this metric.

If you exceed your rate, we’ll notify you via a notification in your personal account.

Delivery channel error #

If you select a wrong delivery channel, this error will affect the platform and internal order management systems stability. Failures can lead to order cancellation at the seller’s fault.

With partner delivery, the tracking number is generated on the Ozon platform. You can’t change it. It will be an error to send orders using the method different from the delivery method by the Ozon partner. Such orders will be canceled.

If you or the customer canceled the shipment before it was transferred for delivery, we won’t take it into account when calculating the metric.

Product blocking #

Ozon blocks your products if you exceed the maximum allowable values in the service quality metrics. The maximum allowable values are shown in the table above.

Learn more in the Contract for the placement of goods from abroad

Blocking products means that they will remain visible in your personal account, but they can’t be purchased on Ozon. Orders that have already been placed aren’t affected by blocking, you’ll need to ship them.

Once the metric exceeds the maximum allowable value for the first time, we’ll notify you in your personal account or via email. After you receive the notification, you’ll have 7 days to improve the metric.

At the first violation, your account is getting monitored for the next 7 days. If you don’t improve the metric in 7 days, your store gets blocked for 3 days. After that, if the rating remains negative, the store is going to be blocked repeatedly every 7 days from the date of the first blocking. During the blocking period, customers can view PDPs and add products to favorites, but can’t buy them. You’ll receive payments for delivered orders as usual. You still can upload new PDPs.

You will also have to:

  • continue handing over already received orders;
  • regularly update statuses for current orders.
If you’ve exceeded the permissible value for one of the quality metrics, and the sale of products on our platform is limited for you, continue collecting and delivering on time those shipments that were made before the blocking started. At the next check, your metrics will return to normal and your store won’t be blocked again. Pay attention to notifications in your personal account.

How to avoid blocking #

Along with the blocking notification, you’ll receive a file with the metric breakdown. Try analyzing your orders and logistics supply chains to correct service quality metrics as quickly as possible.

Order cancellations #

  • Keep your stocks up-to-date and regularly update the information about the number of products in stock, so that your customers can’t place orders for out-of-stock products.
  • Pay attention to the products already reserved by customers.
  • Pay attention to the schedule of your non-working days. Orders not packaged on time will be canceled.
  • Before adding products to your warehouse, make sure that the shipping provider of delivery methods you set up for this warehouse can accept this product for delivery. Cancellations by a shipping provider are also taken into account for this quality metric.

If you’re not sure you can package the order on time, cancel the shipment before packaging. If you don’t package the order on time, we can cancel it.

Ozon partner delivery terms

Learn more about order cancellations

Delayed transfer to delivery #

  • Keep track of products that you need to transfer to the courier or bring to the drop-off point in the near future. You can do it in the LogisticsOrders from my warehouses section on the Awaiting shipping tab.
  • Don’t violate the shipment deadlines displayed in the order row in the Packaging time field.
  • You can edit the shipping period in the warehouse settings by reducing the number of working days in a week.
  • If you need extra time to transfer the shipment to the carrier, you can set up the first mile for a new warehouse: create a warehouse, select a city other than the city where the carrier’s warehouse is located, and set up to 9 additional days for the order transfer. New orders from this warehouse will have the additional “Handed over for delivery” status.
  • If you don’t manage to deliver products on time, cancel the order.
  • If the order was returned to the sender due to customs issues or by other reasons, cancel it. Resending the order is prohibited, since such an order won’t be stably tracked by Ozon systems and will be canceled if the delivery deadline is violated.

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