
Reports in XML or CSV formats are available in your personal account. To get a report:

  1. Go to the Analytics → Reports section.

  2. On the left panel, select the necessary section and report type. For example, Products → All products and visibility on Ozon.

  3. Specify the reporting period. If the data change log isn’t available, the period will display Currently. You can’t change such period. The report will display the data as of the time of downloading.

  4. Click Download report.

The report will be downloaded to your computer. The values in the fields depend on the report type.

Products #

All products and visibility on Ozon

Your product data, for example, Ozon ID, description, price, referral fee, package size. Explanations for certain fields:

  • Ozon product ID: product ID in our system. For example, if you sell your products both from the Ozon and your own warehouses, the Ozon Product ID will be the same for both.
  • FBO Ozon SKU ID: ID for the product sold from an Ozon warehouse. Not applicable to Ozon Global sellers.
  • FBS Ozon SKU ID: ID for the product sold from your warehouse.
  • CrossBorder Ozon SKU: ID for the product sold from abroad.
  • Barcode: barcode printed on the label.
  • Product status: whether the product can be purchased on Ozon. If the status is "Ready for sale", the product can’t be purchased. Learn more about product statuses.
  • Available in an Ozon warehouse, pcs: the product stock in the warehouse, available for sale. This number does not include reserved products. Not applicable to Ozon Global sellers.
  • Reserved, pcs: product quantities with "Reserved" status. The products count as reserved from the moment the order is received by Ozon until the packing for delivery to the customer.
  • Current price including the discount, rubles: the price at which the product is being sold currently as of the time of report downloading, including the discount. If the product participates in a promotion, the price doesn’t account for it.
  • Base price (price before discounts), rubles: non-discounted price.
  • Recommended price, rubles: the lowest product price on other sites.
  • Current link to the recommended price: link to the product with a recommended price on other site.

Orders #

Orders from my warehouse

We enforce a limit on the export period. The maximum period is one month. Create several reports if you want to study the orders for several months.

The report contains the orders processed from your warehouse and their statuses. Explanations for certain fields:

  • Shipment ID: shipment ID for the order sent. The order may comprise several shipments.
  • Status: order status.
  • Cost: product costs accounting for the quantity. Cost = Price × Quantity.
  • Ozon ID: product ID on Ozon.
  • Product ID: article code of your product.
  • Price: product selling price.
  • Quantity: number of product pieces sold at that price.

Order statuses:

  • Arbitration (active dispute): a disputed order. Learn more about disputed orders.
  • Awaiting delivery: order has been assembled and is awaiting transfer to the delivery service.
  • Awaiting packaging: order was received from a customer on the Ozon website and is being processed.
  • Canceled: order has been canceled for any reason.
  • Delivered: order has been delivered to the customer.
  • Delivering: order has been assembled and transferred to the delivery service for shipping to the customer.
  • Not_accepted: order didn’t arrive at the sorting center. If you’re sure that you’ve shipped the order to us, you can open a dispute.

Returns #

Returns to my warehouse

This report contains information on the products that have been received from the customer, ready for receipt, or handed over to you. For orders shipped from you warehouse only. Explanations for certain fields:

  • Returned product ID: article code of returned product.
  • Shipment ID: shipment ID in our system.
  • Status: return status.
  • Product ID: article code of your product.
  • Ozon ID: product ID in our system.
  • Reason for return: the reason the order had to be returned or the customer refused it.
  • Placement cost: return placement cost at the pick-up point.
  • Changed to Ready for pickup: date on which the returned product arrived at the pick-up point.
  • Last day of free placement: the last day when the returned product is placed at the pick-up point free of charge. Starting from the next day, the placement is paid.
  • Date returned to merchant: date when the returned product was handed over to you.
  • Location: name of the pick-up point where the returned product is placed.
  • Package opened: the line will read "Yes" if the customer opened the package before returning the order.
  • Referral fee percentage: product sales referral fee rate percentage. Fixed at the time of order creation by the customer. Learn more about referral fees.
  • Referral fee, rubles: Ozon referral fee in rubles for selling products, based on the product price.
  • Price w/o referral fee, rubles: product price excluding the referral fee. Price w/o referral fee = Product price – Referral fee.

Return statuses:

  • Received from the customer: customer returned the rejected products.
  • Ready to pickup: returned products have arrived at the pickup point where you can pick them up. The pick-up point is shown in the “Location” column.
  • Received: returned products have been handed over to you.

Accruals #

Accruals and referral fees by reporting period

The report contains all accruals and referral fees for a specific reported period. Explanations for certain fields:

  • Created at (beginning of the reporting period): start date of the reporting period.
  • Closed at (end of the reporting period): end date of the reporting period.
  • Begin balance: your balance at the start of the reporting period.
  • End balance: your balance at the end of the reporting period.
  • Orders_amount: the sum of all orders delivered over the reporting period.
  • Returns amount: the sum of returned products handed over to you over the reporting period.
  • Commission: Ozon referral fee for order processing or return, RUB.
  • Services amount (additional services): amount of additional services rendered to you over the reporting period. For example, services for promoting your products on Ozon or the cost of placing a returned product at a pick-up point.
  • Fines amount (VAT amount): VAT amount.

Accruals and referral fees by operations

The report contains accruals and referral fees for the delivered and canceled orders and returned products. The data is available by products. Explanations for certain fields:

  • Operation date: the date of payment of your order or return.
  • Operation type: order shipment to the customer or return to the partner.
  • Vendor product code: product ID in your system.
  • Selling price: product price in the order or return.
  • Referral fee rate: Ozon referral fee percentage for order processing or return, depending on the product category.
  • Quantity: number of product pieces at this price in the order or return.
  • Operation amount: product price accounting for the quantity. Operation amount = Sales price × Quantity.
  • Ozon referral fee: Ozon referral fee for order processing or return, rubles.
  • Operation amount excluding the referral fee: the amount due to you for the order. For returned products, the amount is negative.
  • Warehouse of shipping: location the ordered product was shipped from: Ozon or your warehouse.

Quality control #

Cancellation percentage

The report contains data on all shipments over the last 7 days and the calculation of the percentage of shipments that you canceled over this period. Explanations for certain fields:

  • Accepted for processing: date and time when the shipment was accepted for processing. Shipments over the last 7 days are shown.
  • Shipment canceled: whether the shipment was canceled or not, for any reason.
  • Canceled by the seller: whether you canceled the shipment or not.
  • Cost: products cost in the shipment.
  • Accounted for in the numerator: whether the shipment is accounted for in the numerator when calculating the cancellation rate or not.
  • Accounted in the denominator: whether the shipment is accounted for in the denominator when calculating the cancellation rate or not.
  • Cancellation percentage in the number of shipments: the percentage of shipments canceled by you over the last 7 days.
  • Numerator: number of shipments you canceled over the last 7 days.
  • Denominator: number of shipments created over the last 7 days.
  • Cancellation percentage in shipment costs: the percentage of shipments you canceled over the last 7 days.
  • Numerator: total value of products in shipments you canceled over the last 7 days.
  • Denominator: total value of products in shipments created over the last 7 days.

Late delivery

The report contains data on all shipments over the last 14 days and the calculation of the shipments' percentage that weren’t handed over for delivery on time by your fault over this period. Explanations for certain fields:

  • Accepted for processing: date and time when the shipment was accepted for processing. Shipments over the last 14 days are shown.
  • Shipment date: shipment date. Only the dates within the recent 14 days are shown.
  • Shipment cancelled: whether the shipment was canceled or not, for any reason.
  • Cancelled before shipment date: whether the shipment was canceled or not before you handed it over to a courier or a pick-up point.
  • Delay of shipment through the merchant's fault: whether the shipment was delayed or not. The order assembly time shall not exceed 24 hours.
  • Delay in calendar days: number of days the shipment is delayed by.
  • Accounted in the numerator: whether the shipment is accounted for in the numerator when calculating the shipment delay rate or not.
  • Accounted in the denominator: whether the shipment is accounted for in the denominator when calculating the shipment delay rate or not.
  • Percentage of non-handed-over shipments: percentage of shipments not transferred to delivery on time by your fault over the past 14 days.
  • Numerator: number of shipments you haven’t transferred to delivery over the last 14 days.
  • Denominator: number of shipments you transferred to delivery over the last 14 days.

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