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Conditions Customer’s refund
You approved a refund without receipt of product. Product price—if a non-defective, undamaged product is returned.
Ozon approved an early refund for the returned product with delayed delivery. Product price—if a non-defective, undamaged product is returned.
Ozon agreed with you on an early refund for a returned product with delayed delivery. You don’t have to further check the product. Product price + Return cost—if a defective and/or damaged product is returned or if there are complaints about order execution.
You received the returned product and, after checking it, approved a refund to the customer. Product price—if a non-defective, undamaged product is returned.
Product price + Return cost — if a defective and/or damaged product is returned or if there are complaints about order execution.
You received the returned product and made a decision not to refund the customer. The customer initiated a dispute, and Ozon made a decision in favor of the buyer. Product price—if a non-defective, undamaged product is returned.
Product price + Return cost—if defective and/or damaged product is returned or if there are complaints about order execution.
You confirmed the order cancellation, initiated by the customer prior to transfer to delivery. Product price.
You confirmed the order cancellation, initiated by the customer after the order has been transferred to delivery. Product price.

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