Special prices are a free tool you can use to promote your products.
Price before discounts #
Indicate the previous price for a product. Customers will see the crossed out price before discounts and the discount percentage.

How to set it #
Price before discounts must be higher than the current one. Otherwise, an error may occur when creating the product.
You can specify the price before discounts:
In your profile
On the Products → Add Product page, click Add a new product and fill in the Price before discount field.
On the Products → Manage Inventory page choose a product with the empty Full price field. Fill in the Price before discount field.
In an XLS file
If you are importing products in an XLS file, fill in the Price before discounts field in the main characteristics block.
Specify the price in the old_price parameter:
- in the Create PDP method–for new products;
- in the Update price method–for existing products.