Promotion Analytics

Monitoring analytics helps you assess if the promotion tools you’re using are effective, and promptly react to changes in metrics. The Analytics tab shows data on the promotion of specific products or categories for the period:

  • the amount of orders and sales brought by the promotion tools;
  • the cost of each order or click;
  • changes in CTR, clicks, impressions, and orders;
  • the effectiveness of promotion tools;
  • promotion expenses and their share in the total turnover.

To view the analytics:

  1. In the Promotion section, select Stencils, Promotion in search, or Getting to the TOP.

  2. Go to the Analytics tab and select the promotion type.

  3. Select a time period up to 90 days.

  4. Select the products, product categories, or campaign for which you want to view the data.

You can view the analytics only for the “Stencils” and “Getting to the TOP” campaigns.

To download data in XLSX format, click Download Excel.

To view graphs for other metrics, switch between tabs.

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