Display Advertising

The tool is running in test mode, so it may not be available to all sellers. You can check whether it’s available in your seller’s personal account.

Display advertising is an outreach advertising format that attracts attention and evokes positive emotions in customers via images, video, and text.

With display advertising you can:

  • increase brand awareness;
  • create the company image;
  • promote specific products or the whole store;
  • introduce new products to the audience;
  • offer extra products to customers who have already ordered from your store;
  • attract customers who were interested in your product, but did not buy it. For example, opened the brand page, product cards, added products to “Cart” or “Favorites”;
  • announce promotions and special offers;
  • make seller’s promotions more effective.

Advantages of display advertising #

  • Noticeable impression places on the homepage, category pages, and in Ozon search results.
  • Attractive format creates the desired customer’s attitude. You can show all the necessary information about the product, upload high-quality photos and videos, add a link to the product or store.
  • Wide targeting options. You can choose who will see your ads. For example, customers who:
    • were interested in products in a certain category;
    • added products from this category to the cart;
    • ordered products of the category.

Display advertising formats #

There are 3 display advertising formats:

  • Banners are large blocks with static images. You can create them using our free template.
  • Promo banners are static image blocks integrated into the product feed.
  • Video banners are blocks with videos about your product or offer.
Minimum daily budget Payment model Placement on the website Placement on the mobile website and in the app
Banners 1000 RUB Per impressions or per clicks Main page: in the banner carousel under the search bar. 1. Main page and search results:
- under the search bar on the main page;
- between 8 and 9 PDPs in the search results and categories.

2. Search results and catalog: categories pages of the 1, 2, and 3 levels. Customers reach these pages from a catalog or via a search query.
Video banners 1000 RUB For visible impressions Main page: in the banner carousel under the search bar.

We select the placement automatically
Main page: under the search bar and in the feed every 10 PDPs.

We select the placement automatically
Promo banners 5000 RUB Per impressions Extra: on the main page after the “We recommend it for you” selection in a block of 4 promo banners. Extra: on the main page in the “You might like it” block after the first 12 products (not counting the products in the “Special offers!” block).

Types of display advertising #

All advertising on the Internet must be marked according to the Federal Law “On Advertising”. Therefore, when launching display advertising, we automatically assign an ERID identifier to each banner, promo banner, and video banner, and then pass it to the Unified Register of Online Advertising.

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