Article Code, Ozon ID

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Each product has multiple identifiers, which make it possible to track the product in different systems.

Article code #

Article code is the product's identifier in your database. It has to be unique for every product of your merchandise. When you upload women white and black color T-shirts of 44 and 46 sizes, you should set up article code for each color of each size.

Examples of article code for black T-shorts:

  • Tshirt_black_44
  • Tshirt_black_46

Examples of article code for white T-shorts:

  • Tshirt_white_44
  • Tshirt_white_46

You create your article code when uploaing products.

You can view the created article codes in your account on the Products → Product list page. Find the product in the general list: its article code will be specified in the Article code column.

Ozon ID #

Ozon ID is a unique product identifier in the Ozon system. It is generated automatically when a product is uploaded to the system.

There are several ways to get your FBS Ozon SKU ID:

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