
Revision of March 6, 2022

The provisions of the Contract are applied to the extent that they do not contradict this Annex “Procedure for the provision of services by Ozon Logistics Partners”. In case of a conflict between this Annex and the provisions of the Contract, this Annex shall, within the scope of its subject matter, prevail.

Terms and Definitions #

Cut-off means the time set by Ozon or the Customer in the Personal Account for specific orders, before which the Customer is obliged to confirm the readiness of the Shipments included in the order for delivery and to transfer the Shipment to Ozon Logistics Partner.

Contract means a Contract for the placement of goods from abroad on ozon.ru (cross-border), the text of which is published at https://docs.ozon.ru/global/zh-hans/contracts-for-sellers/dogovor/.

Contract with Ozon Logistics Partners means transactions entered into by Ozon with Ozon Logistics Partners on behalf of the Customer within the framework of this Annex, the subject of which is the provision of freight forwarding services provided by Ozon Logistics Partner for the organization of international transportation of Shipments of the Customer to the Client.

Delivered Shipment means a Shipment that has been duly handed over to the Client in accordance with the Ozon Logistics Partners Regulations (for the provision of freight forwarding services for the organization of international transportation).

Application means Ozon’s task for the provision of freight forwarding services for the organization of international transportation of Shipments, containing a set of data on Shipments, Recipients, delivery times and other necessary data, sent through IS.

Ozon Logistics Partner means a delivery service that provides freight forwarding services for the organization of international transportation of Customers' Shipments, which Ozon engages in order to fulfill its obligations to the Customer under Annex No. 2 to the Contract. When working with Ozon Logistics Partners, the Customer can set up delivery parameters through the PA. Shipment Marking means a label with a barcode to identify the Shipment or packaging.

International transportation means the transportation of goods by various modes of transport, in which the point of departure or the point of destination of the goods is located outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

Unclaimed shipment means a Shipment that has not been handed over to the Client for reasons dependent on the Client, or which the Client refused to accept both during the transportation period and at the time of its delivery to the Client, as well as in cases where:

  • The item contained in the Shipment is included in the list of prohibited or restricted for import, export or transportation;
  • There are no shipping, commercial and permitting documents for the item, as well as the necessary information about the item and / or the Client.

Declared value means the cost of the item, set by the Customer at the time of creation of a specific Order and fixed in the Personal Account.

Dispatch means the transfer of Shipments to Ozon Logistics Partner for the execution of the Application for delivery to the Recipient.

Sender means the person who presented the Shipment for transportation, indicated in the accompanying documents for the Shipment, which is the Seller of the item.

Recipient means the person specified in the accompanying documents, to whose address the delivery of the Shipment is carried out.

Status “Delivered” means the status of the delivered Shipment, which was duly handed over to the Client and in respect of which the corresponding status (“Delivered”) was assigned in the PA. Simultaneously with the Status “Delivered”, the Shipment is billed in the internal Ozon system.

Freight forwarding services mean services provided by Ozon Logistics Partners for the organization of international transportation of Shipments, including, but not limited to, acceptance, processing, customs clearance, storage, organization of transportation, transfer of the Shipment and execution of all documents necessary for the international transportation of Shipments.

1. Subject #

1.1. Ozon undertakes, for a remuneration, to execute, on the instruction of the Customer, on its own behalf and at the expense of the Customer, transactions with Ozon Logistics Partners related to the provision of freight forwarding services for the organization of international transportation by the latter of Shipments of the Customer to the Client, and to undertake other actions on its own behalf, but at the expense of the Customer in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Annex using the Ozon Platform.

1.2. Conditions for the provision of freight forwarding services #

Ozon enters into the transactions specified in clause 1.11.1 of this Annex on the terms and conditions determined by this Annex and the Ozon Logistics Partners Regulations (for the provision of freight forwarding services for the organization of international transportation). The Customer instructs Ozon to independently determine with Ozon Logistics Partners the conditions for the provision of freight forwarding services for the organization of international transportation of the Customer’s Shipments, including, but not limited to, the delivery time of the Shipments to the Clients, the terms for the provision of other services provided by Ozon Logistics Partners, the cost of the services of Ozon Logistics Partners, the procedure for providing services.

1.3. Informational and technical support of Ozon #

Ozon within the framework of this Annex shall provide informational and technical support of Shipments delivered to Clients, with the exception of Unclaimed Shipments and other Shipments not delivered to the Client for any reason, for which Ozon Logistics Partner and the Customer interact independently without the involvement of Ozon, including, but not limited to, mutual settlements, return delivery and/or return of the Shipments to the Customer for any possible reason and/or their disposal. Ozon provides the Ozon Logistics Partner with Customer’s contact details to ensure such interaction between the Ozon Logistics Partner and the Customer.

1.4. The moment of fulfillment of obligations #

Ozon’s obligations, specified in clause 1.1 of this Annex, in respect of each Shipment transferred to Ozon Logistics Partner for the purpose of delivery to the Client, are considered to be properly executed at the time of delivery of the corresponding Shipment to the Client (at the moment when the Shipment is considered delivered based on the Status “Delivered”).

1.5. Risk of accidental destruction or damage #

Ozon Logistics Partner is responsible for the non-safety of the item and/or the Shipment that occurred after it was accepted for transportation and until the moment it was handed over to the Recipient. Non-safety means not only the loss of the Shipment, but also its shortage or damage. Ozon Logistics Partner bears the risk of accidental loss or damage to the item transferred to him for the purpose of international transportation, from the moment of acceptance from the Sender until the moment of delivery to the Recipient.

2. Remuneration, reporting documents and payment #

2.1. Agency fee of Ozon and rates of Ozon Logistics Partners for the provision of freight forwarding services under this Annex are set out in the “Ozon Fees and Tariffs” section.

2.2. Reporting documents #

Ozon, within 5 (five) calendar days from the end date of each reporting period (calendar month), shall send the following documents to the Customer’s Personal Account within the framework of this Annex (Reporting Documents):

  • Unified Transfer Document for the amount of agency fee;
  • Agency report;
  • If necessary, other documents.

2.3. Reimbursement of expenses #

The Customer agrees to reimburse Ozon for any costs incurred under this Annex, including, but not limited to, costs of Ozon Logistics Partners for the provision of freight forwarding services.

2.4. Confirmation of Reporting Documents #

The Customer, within 3 (three) business days from the date of receipt of the Reporting Documents, is obliged, if there are disagreements, to send Ozon through the Platform a reasoned refusal to confirm the Reporting Documents with a detailed description of the discrepancies.

2.5. If a reasoned refusal to the Reporting Documents is not received within the specified period, the services specified in clause 1.1this Annex are considered to be provided by Ozon properly and accepted by the Customer in full, and are subject to payment in accordance with the Contract and the Annex. Documents signed unilaterally by Ozon are considered to be duly signed by the Parties, and the provisions specified in them are duly agreed upon and accepted by the Customer in the amount indicated in them (in this case, the date of approval of the document will be the last day of the period provided for receiving feedback from the Customer).

3. Terms and Conditions for the provision of Services #

3.1. The conditions for the provision of freight forwarding services for the organization of international transportation are set out in the Ozon Logistics Partners Regulations (for the provision of freight forwarding services for the organization of international transportation).

3.2. Confirmation of readiness of Shipments #

The Customer is obliged to confirm the readiness of the Shipment for transfer before the Cut-off. If the Customer fails to do so within the specified period, Ozon Logistics Partner may not accept the Shipment for delivery and Ozon may cancel the Client’s order.

3.3. The Customer, prior to the transfer of the Shipment, is obliged to indicate the actual weight of each item, otherwise the Customer will not be able to confirm the readiness of the Shipments for transfer.

3.4. Order Processing #

The Customer, with his own forces and at his own expense, forms the item in the Order into a Shipment for the transfer to Ozon Logistics Partner. The Customer is obliged to pack the item in such a way as to ensure its safety during delivery and a neat appearance.

3.5. Transfer of the Shipment #

The Customer transfers the item strictly in accordance with the list in the Order. In case of non-compliance, the Customer assumes the risk of any negative consequences and compensates for all documented losses in connection therewith. If the item is found to be missing in the Shipment, Ozon withholds from the Customer the amount actually paid by the Client for the item, without refunding the Commission as a fee for processing the underinvestment.

3.6. Information about the number of Shipments in the Order #

After the receipt of the Order, but before confirmation of the readiness of the Shipments for transfer to Ozon Logistics Partner, the Customer is obliged to provide information on the number of Shipments included in the Order.

3.7. Drop-off transmission #

The transfer of Shipments from the Customer to Ozon Logistics Partner is carried out by the “Drop-off” method: Ozon Logistics Partner accepts the Shipments at its warehouse.

3.8. Information for the transfer of Shipments #

For the “Drop-off” method of receiving Shipments, the Customer selects an address for receiving from among the available warehouses of Ozon Logistics Partners. If the Customer has not transferred any of the Shipments to the selected warehouse of Ozon Logistics Partner within 30 (thirty) calendar days, as well as in other cases when the Customer’s service at the selected warehouse is impossible, Ozon may, with prior notice to the Customer, stop the possibility of accepting the Shipments at the selected warehouse and offer the Customer to choose another one from among those available (if any).

3.9. Delivery times for Shipments: #

3.9.1. If the Cut-off for Orders is set on the current day, the Customer transfers the Shipment to Ozon Logistics Partner on the same day.

3.9.2. Ozon Logistics Partner within the time limits specified in the Customer’s Personal Account (no more than 10 (ten) calendar days). In case of violation of the terms of transfer to Ozon Logistics Partner due to the fault of the Customer, Ozon Logistics Partner may refuse to accept Shipments.

3.10. Accompanying documents #

3.10.1. The Customer shall transfer Shipments to Ozon Logistics Partner with the accompanying documents printed from the Personal Account that are relevant at the time of transfer (subject to possible cancellations): Acceptance Certificate of the Shipments, the bill of lading, or another transfer document. At the request of Ozon, the Customer is obliged to provide scans of all documents confirming the actual transfer of Shipments to Ozon Logistics Partner within 5 (five) business days from the date of the relevant Notification.

3.10.2. The Customer shall transfer Shipments strictly in accordance with the list in the accompanying documents. In the event of non-compliance, the Customer assumes the risk of any negative consequences and compensates Ozon for documented losses incurred when returning the erroneously transferred Shipment.

3.10.3. Ozon Logistics Partner shall accept Shipments based on the number of Shipments. In the event of a discrepancy in the number of Shipments, the Customer is responsible for the compliance of the Shipments with the list in the accompanying documents.

3.11.Shipment Statuses #

3.11.1. Ozon Logistics Partner checks the compliance of the weight characteristics with the characteristics of the item declared in Shipments.

3.11.2. If Ozon Logistics Partner has identified discrepancies, it may, at its option:

a) not accept such Shipment and send it back to the Customer;

b) accept the Shipment if the packaging requirements are met and change the data on the weight characteristics. The Customer agrees to a possible change in the cost of the services of Ozon Logistics Partner re-billed by Ozon to the Customer, based on the actual data on the Shipment.

3.11.3. Upon completion of the acceptance of Shipments at the warehouse of Ozon Logistics Partner, the status of Shipments in the Personal Account is subject to change indicating:

a) Full compliance of the received Shipments with the accompanying documents. In this case, the Parties acknowledge that Shipments have been transferred by the Customer to Ozon Logistics Partner in the quantity and numbers according to the accompanying documents; or

b) Partial compliance of accepted Shipments. Ozon sends to the Customer in the Personal Account and/or by e-mail a Certificate of Discrepancy in the list of Shipments with accompanying documents.

3.12. Coordination of number of received Shipments #

The Customer, no later than the day of the next Shipment after the dispatch of the Certificate of Discrepancy, has the right to raise reasoned objections and, within 3 (three) business days, to provide evidence of the transfer of the number of Shipments declared in the Acceptance Certificate (including, but not limited to, video recordings of the assembly process of Shipments or cargo space that allow the disputed Shipments to be identified). If the Customer does not provide evidence within the specified period, the Parties consider the Certificate of Discrepancy as agreed by the Parties, and the Shipments are accepted by Ozon in the quantity and by numbers in accordance with the Certificate of Discrepancy. If unidentified Shipments are detected upon acceptance, the Customer undertakes to remove them from the address specified by Ozon Logistics Partner within 7 (Seven) calendar days from the date of approval of the Certificate of Discrepancy.

4. Responsibility of the Parties #

4.1. Ozon is not responsible for the failure of Ozon Logistics Partner to fulfill its obligations under the contract concluded with such Ozon Logistics Partner.

4.2. Limitation of Ozon’s Liability to the Customer #

Ozon shall not be liable to the Customer if:

  • The failure to perform or improper performance of Ozon’s obligations under this Annex was due to the fault of the Customer, Ozon Logistics Partner or the Client;
  • Loss, damage or non-delivery of the Shipment or the item included in it occurred due to force-majeure circumstances, defects in packaging or properties of the item;
  • Loss or damage of the item included in the Shipment could not be detected by Ozon Logistics Partner, provided that the outer packaging was intact at the time of acceptance. The Parties acknowledge that if, upon delivery of the Shipment with intact packaging, the Client declares that the item is missing or of inadequate quality, this is confirmation that Ozon and/or the Ozon Logistics Partner are not responsible for the loss or damage to such item;
  • The Shipment or the item included in it are detained, seized in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. Ozon shall not be liable to the Client for possible non-compliance with the Client’s order of the list of goods actually transferred to him by Ozon Logistics Partner.

4.4. Ozon Logistics Partner Liability Limits for Shipments and Goods #

Ozon Logistics Partner is liable to the Customer for the loss or damage of the Shipment if they occurred due to the fault of Ozon Logistics Partner during the period from the moment the Shipments were received by Ozon Logistics Partner until the Shipments were handed over to the Clients.

4.5. Terms of reimbursement #

Ozon Logistics Partner shall reimburse the Customer for the cost of lost/missing/damaged item and Ozon will exert its best efforts to ensure that the relevant reimbursement is made no later than the date on which funds are transferred under the Contract based on the results of the approval of reporting documents for the month in which a positive decision on the Customer’s claim was made.

4.6. Consequences of breach of obligations by the Customer #

In the event of a violation by the Customer of obligations under the Contract, Ozon has the right to suspend the placement of one or more of the Customer’s item on the Site until the violation is eliminated or until the circumstances of the violation are clarified. In case of repeated violation of obligations by the Customer (two or more times), Ozon has the right to unilaterally refuse to provide services in respect of the Customer’s item for which the violation occurred. The Parties acknowledge that these actions of Ozon are not a violation of Ozon’s obligations under the Contract.

4.7. Violations of obligations by the Customer #

Violations of obligations by the Customer include, but are not limited to:

  • non-compliance of the item transferred by the Customer with the declared characteristics;
  • transfer of the item that does not correspond to the description in the Item Page or is prohibited for sale in accordance with the Contract;
  • non-confirmation of the readiness of the Client’s order for transfer within the prescribed period;
  • providing false information about the delivery time, delivery geography, working hours of the Customer’s Warehouses and other mandatory information;
  • actions/inaction of the Customer, as a result of which Ozon cancels the Customer’s order;
  • processing of personal data of Clients received under this Contract for other purposes, except for the purposes of fulfilling obligations under the Contract;
  • advertising enclosures in orders to promote their own brand and (or) website;
  • other cases of violation by the Customer of obligations under the Contract.

5. Transfer of rights and obligations under an agreement with Ozon Logistics Partner in respect of Unclaimed Shipments #

5.1. The Parties have agreed that Ozon’s rights and obligations under the agreement with Ozon Logistics Partner with respect to Unclaimed Shipments shall be transferred to the Customer no later than the date of occurrence of the Unclaimed Shipment.

5.2. Ozon, by sending a notice to the Customer in the Personal Account, transfers its rights and obligations under the agreement with Ozon Logistics Partner in relation to Unclaimed Shipments, the standard terms of which are located at: https://docs.ozon.ru/legal/partners/logistics/crossborder-delivery/.

5.3. The rights and obligations under the agreement with Ozon Logistics Partner are considered transferred to the Customer on the date the latter receives the relevant notification in the PA.

5.4. Upon notification to the Customer, Ozon shall notify Ozon Logistics Partner of the transfer to the Customer of the rights and obligations under the agreement with Ozon Logistics Partner in respect of Unclaimed Shipments.

5.5. The cost of transferred rights and obligations under the agreement with Ozon Logistics Partner is included in the current Ozon remuneration specified in clause 2.1this Annex.

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