Terms of sale of Goods for individuals on ozon.kz, ozon.com

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By passing the Verification procedure and placing Orders on ozon.kz, ozon.com, the Customer shall consent with the Terms and Conditions of Sale of Goods for Individuals (the “Terms and Conditions”) set out below.

The Terms and Conditions shall regulate the relationship between the Customer (you), OZON Marketplace Kazakhstan, LLP (Ozon) and Sellers arising in connection with the execution and implementation of Orders on ozon.kz, ozon.com. Relations under the Terms and Conditions would be subject to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan if the Goods were purchased by the Customer from the Republic of Kazakhstan; or the law of the Russian Federation, if the Goods were purchased by the Customer from another country unless otherwise specified in the Terms and Conditions.

Please, read the Terms and Conditions thoroughly before placing the Order. If you do not agree with any provisions of the Terms and Conditions, you can refuse to complete the Order. The definitions in the Terms and Conditions shall be indicated with capital letter. You can find the definitions at the end of the Terms and Conditions.

The Terms and Conditions shall contain clauses with active hyperlinks to the pages of the Site implied as an integral part of the Terms and Conditions. The Customers from the Republic of Kazakhstan shall follow the terms of the Site pages with the selected category “Kazakhstan” in the upper right corner of the corresponding page applied. The Customers from other countries shall follow the terms of the Site pages with the selected category “Other countries” in the upper right corner of the corresponding page applied.

The Terms and Conditions shall enter into force after have been published on the Site and be valid indefinitely.

Ozon shall change the Terms and Conditions at any time unilaterally at its discretion without special notice. The changes shall enter into force after the updated edition is posted on the Site.

1. How to place the Order #

1.1. Verification by phone number #

1.1.1. Verification shall be executed in accordance with the Terms of Application of Ozon ID.

1.1.2. The Customer shall be obliged not to share the login and password, phone number and individual codes with third parties. If the Customer has any suspicions regarding the security of his data, unauthorized application by the third parties, the Customer shall immediately notify Ozon about the fact via chat with Ozon or the Seller in the Personal Account.

1.1.3. By passing the Verification, the Customer shall consent to receive service support messages simultaneously and separately to the e-mail address (if indicated in the Personal Account) / by SMS message / push notification / applications / messengers / by another means to the phone number specified by the Customer during registration and /or placing the Order about the status of the Order, delivery terms and conditions, the Goods in the Customer’s basket and/or added by the Customer to “Favorites” along with request to feedback. The Customer’s refusal to receive the specified messages shall be implied impossible for technical reasons.

1.1.4. Ozon shall send the Customer advertising messages (as SMS and/or push notification and/or via applications and/or messengers for smartphones and/or phone calls and/or by another means to the telephone number, e-mail address specified by the Customer) if available consent of the Customer to receiving advertising messages is obtained.

1.2. Conclusion of the contract #

1.2.1. The terms and conditions in addition to the information about the Goods presented on the Site shall be considered as public offer in accordance with art. 395 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1.2.2. The Customer shall consent to the terms an conditions of sale of the selected Goods by clicking “Pay online”/ “Order” button at the last stage of placing the Order on the Site. Completion of the specified operations shall be implicates as a fact confirming the conclusion of the contract between the Customer and the Seller. In case of placing the Order on the basis of prepayment (advance at the expense for future transaction), the contract shall be considered concluded provided that within 24 hours after the prepayment, the Customer has not received any notifications about failure to dispatch the Goods to the Customer.

1.2.3. The rules of promotions, contests and other stimulating events shall establish different procedure for processing the Order and returning the Goods. The fact of participation in such an event means the Customer’s consent to such an order.

1.3. Placing the Order #

1.3.1. The Customer shall independently place the Order on the Website or in the mobile application. Read more here.

1.3.2. The Customer shall select an offer from one of the Sellers on the Goods page.

1.3.3. Informational materials about the Goods shall be provided for reference only and not fully conveys reliable information about the properties and characteristics of the Goods including colors, sizes and shapes. If any conserns arise about the properties and characteristics of the Goods, the Customer must contact the Seller before placing the Order.

1.3.4. The Customer shall provide with the following information:

(a) Full name and the telephone number of the Customer or Recipient of the Order;

(b) the delivery address of the Order.

1.3.5. The expected delivery date of the Order shall be the period when the Customer can receive the Order. The delivery date shall depend on availability of the Goods in the Seller’s Warehouse, the period required to process the Order and the delivery period of the selected Delivery Service and not directly depend on Ozon. Read more about the Order processing and operations of the Customer with the placed Order here.

1.3.6. Information about the current status of the Order shall be published in your Personal Account.

1.3.7. To provide the Customer with the opportunity to select and purchase Goodss as most relevant to his interests and preferences, Ozon based on information about the operations performed by such Customer on the Site including Goodss viewed, Orders placed, pages visited and search queries specified on the Site, shall create analytics and use it to improve the range of the Site and personalize its application by the Customer.

1.4. Cancellation of the Order #

1.4.1. The Customer shall be entitled to change the purchase decision and refuse the ordered Goods at any time before the receipt of Goods along with full or partial refuse of the Ordered Goods at the time of receipt except for the following cases:

  • before receiving the Goods you cannot refuse it completely when delivered by Delivery Services and at the time of receipt - when delivered not by Ozon, but by Delivery Services;

  • before receiving and at the time of receipt of the Goods you cannot partially refuse it when delivered by Delivery Services and/or after the Order is transferred for delivery (if the Goods is not delivered by Ozon).

In any case, the Customer shall not be entitled to refuse Goods with individually defined properties to be used by the Customer only.

1.4.2. Terms of refund for the Goods and delivery in case of prepayment of the Order in case of full or partial cancellation of the Order before its receipt or at the time of transfer to the Customer:

(a) Funds after return shall be automatically placed in the Customer’s Balance. Detailed information about the procedure for returning funds to the Balance shall be available here. Funds on the Balance can be transferred exclusively to the bank account details of the Customer’s country.

(b) If the Order was paid for by credit card, the refund shall be executed to the card where the payment was transferred from.

(c) If the Order was paid using installments, credit, the refund shall be executed to the Customer’s current account with the Bank issued the loan, if the Customer returned the Goods upon complete cancellation of the Order within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of placing the Order. If the Customer has paid in terms of installment plan, repaid loan and provided ith certificate from the Bank about the absence of debt in loan obligations, the funds can be transferred to the Customer’s current account opened in another Bank and provided by the Customer.

If the Order was paid in terms of installments, credit, the refund shall be executed to the Funds Balance if the Customer returned the Goods within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of placing the Order or when partial cancellation of the Order as applied.

1.4.3. If the Customer places the Order for the Goods in quantity exceeding 10 items of one Goods and the Seller fails to provide with the required quantity from the stock, the Seller shall send a message to the Customer about the fact. The Customer shall be entitled to agree to accept the Goods in the quantity available from the Seller or to remove the Goods from the Order. If the Customer does not respond within 14 days, the Seller shall reserve the right to remove the Goods from the Order. However, when delivering from abroad, the Customers cannot simultaneously order more than 5 items of one Goods.

2. Payment #

2.1. Goods price and payment terms #

2.1.1. The price of the Goods shall be indicated on the Site and can be changed by the Seller and/or Ozon on behalf of the Seller unilaterally before placing the Order. The Goods in the Order shall be paid for at the price indicated at the time of clicking the “Pay online” / “Place an order” button when placing the Order.

The Customers from the Republic of Kazakhstan shall execute the payment for the Goods in tenge. The Customers from other countries shall execute the payment for the Goods in US dollars at the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the date of payment.

The price of the Goods ordered by the Customer shall not be changed. The Seller or Ozon shall be entitled to provide discounts for the Goods.

The price of the Goods shall include applicable taxes payable by the Seller and/or Ozon in connection with the sale of the Goods to the Customer.

2.1.2. Payment methods for the Goods shall be available here. The agreed payment method shall imply the method chosen by the Customer from among those available when placing the Order.

2.1.3. The Order shall be paid within the period specified in the Order in your personal account when the Seller does not guarantee the availability of the Goods. The contract shall be considered as not concluded.

2.1.4. In all cases cash receipts shall be sent to your Personal Account in the “Electronic Receipts” section and be not provided in printed form. Ozon’s obligation to transfer electronic receipt shall be considered implemented in terms of to have been sent to the Personal Account linked to the Customer’s subscriber number. If the Customer indicated when placing the Order him to be required electronic receipt sent (or available link to download in PDF format) to specified email address, then electronic cash receipt (or the corresponding link) shall be sent to the Customer to the specified address. The Customer shall download electronic receipts from the “Electronic Receipts” section of the Personal Account on the Website or in the mobile application.

2.1.5. The price of the Order shall not include customs duties, taxes and/or fees payable under the laws of the country where the Order is delivered and paid by the Customer separately from the price of the Goods. Payment terms and the amount of customs duties shall be determined by the customs legislation of the country where the Order is delivered.

2.1.6. Types of discounts, procedure and conditions for the accrual shall be indicated on the Site and be changed unilaterally by Ozon.

2.1.7. For technical reasons, errors may occur on the Site when indicating the price of the Goods (including Goods that are subject to discount or promotion). If such an error occurs in relation to the Goods ordered by the Customer, Ozon shall inform the Customer about it. If there are any doubts regarding the price of the Goods, the Customer can clarify the information via chat with Ozon or the Seller in the Personal Account.

2.2. Payment using bank cards in addition to electronic means of payment linked to bank cards.

2.2.1. Bank card transactions shall be performed by the card holder or #

authorized person on the basis of power of attorney issued in accordance with the law.

2.2.2. Authorization of transactions on bank cards shall be executed by the bank. If the bank concerns for the operation to be fraudulent, the bank shall be entitled to refuse to execute this operation. Fraudulent transactions with bank cards refers to art. 190 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and be punished in accordance with criminal law. To avoid cases of misuse of bank cards when paying, all prepaid Orders shall be checked by Ozon. Ozon shall reserve the right to cancel the Order without specifying any reason. The cost of the Order is returned to the owner’s bank card.

2.2.3. Acceptance and processing of payments using bank cards shall be performed by the electronic payment provider ASSIST or another electronic payment provider. Ozon and the Seller shall not process including collecting and storing Customers’ bank card details.

2.3. Payment by installments and on credit #

2.3.1. The Seller shall provide the Customer with the opportunity to purchase Goods on credit (except for the following categories (the list shall change): pharmacy, alcohol). Full information on the terms and procedure for processing goods on credit shall be listed here.

3. Delivery #

3.1. Delivery shall be performed by Ozon or the Seller on its own or by delivery service hired by them. The availability of delivery to the Recipient’s address shall be determined at the time of placing the Order. Delivery methods shall be listed here. The agreed delivery method is the method chosen by the Customer from among those available when placing the Order. If delivery is carried out by the Seller or the Delivery Service, Ozon provides them with the contact information of the Customer or Recipient of the Order to organize such delivery.

To improve the confidentiality and security of the contact information of the Customer or Recipient of the Order, Ozon may hide the phone number specified when placing the Order and provide the Seller and/or Delivery Service with special dedicated Ozon phone number instead.

The Customer shall consent to all calls from the Seller and/or the Delivery Service to the Customer or the Recipient of the Order are addressed from special dedicated Ozon phone number to the phone number specified when placing the Order.

To control the quality of use of the Site along with execution and implementation of Orders, Ozon shall record the calls specified in this clause in addition to calls between the Customer or Order Recipient and Ozon.

3.2. The delivery area for some types of Goods shall be limited. The list of items with limited delivery shall be available here.

3.3. The delivery cost of each Order shall be calculated individually based on its weight, region, delivery method, payment method and indicated at the last stage of placing the Order on the Site.

3.4. The period allowed for receipt of the Order by the Customer shall be limited and indicated when placing the Order at the stage of selecting the appropriate delivery method along with the Delivery (storage periods) section. Failure to receive the Order within the storage period shall be considered as the Customer’s refusal of the purchase and sale agreement and be grounds to remove the Order.

3.5. When transferring the Order the Customer in the presence of the person delivering the Order shall check the appearance, packaging, quantity of the Goods, completeness, assortment, except when receiving the Order via parcel locker. Claims to the Goods regarding completeness, assortment, quantity and appearance shall not accept since the Order has been transferred by all delivery methods except by parcel machine.

3.6. When transferring the Order, the person delivering the Order shall be entitled to request from the Recipient identification document presented and the Recipient shall be obliged to provide with identification document in the following cases:

  • to avoid cases of fraud along with implementation of liabilities assumed upon delivery of the prepaid Order;

  • upon delivery of the Order containing Goods with age restrictions applied. If no identification document presented or no age match of the Recipient observed, the Goods shall not be transferred to the Recipient, but the delivery service be considered as provided.

3.7. Transfer of the risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the Goods.

3.7.1. The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the Goods shall pass to the Recipient since the Order have been transferred to him. If the Goods are lost before the specified period, the Customer shall be reimbursed the price of the prepaid Goods and its delivery after receiving confirmation of the loss of the Goods from the Seller or the Delivery Service.

3.7.2. If the Customer chooses Kazpost as the delivery service for international mail, the risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the Goods shall bear the Seller in full until the Goods are transferred to the Delivery Service. After transfer of the Goods to the specified Delivery Service, the Seller’s liability shall be determined within the limits established by the Universal Postal Convention of August 12, 2008.

3.7.3. If the Customer chooses delivery through unregistered international mail, the risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the Goods shall pass to the Customer after the Seller transfers the Goods to the Delivery Service. After transferring the Goods to the Delivery Service the risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the Goods shall bear the Customer since for unregistered shipments shall have failed to be confirmed of the loss of the Goods from the Delivery Service. The Customer shall choose other methods of delivery of international mail without these restrictions.

3.7.4. If you choose the “Leave Order at the Door” delivery method, the risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the Goods shall pass to the Customer since we have sent notification of the delivery of the Goods without direct transfer of the Goods. Ozon shall not bear responsibility for the absence of the Goods at the place of delivery after sending the appropriate notification.

3.8. When performing marketing activities involved the investment of any objects in the Order, the delivery of these investments shall be executed along with the Goods. To cancel the investment, the Customer shall contact the Support Service. These investments shall be implied as gift and cannot be returned or exchanged including for cash.

4. Details of the sale of certain types of Goods #

4.1. Antiques and Used books** #

4.1.1. The Goods in the “Antiques” and “Used Books” categories shall be offered for sale in a single copy. The Customer intending to purchase more than one Goods shall contact the Support Service to clarify the availability or otherwise of such a purchase to be performed.

4.1.2. When selling the Goods from these categories, the characteristics of such Goods shall be indicated depending on the degree of the storage.

4.2. Downloading electronic materials (if the purchase is available in the Customer’s country) #

4.2.1. By placing the Order for the Object, the Customer shall confirm to be warned about the obligation to first familiarize himself with and comply with the terms and rules for using the Object along with the obligation to conclude license agreement with the end user.

4.2.2. Ozon shall provide the Customer with Activation Code in order to pay fee for use of the Object on the terms and to the extent provided by the Copyright Holder (Executor).

4.2.3. Unless otherwise provided by the Copyright Holder (Contractor), the Customer shall be entitled to use the Object from the date of proper activation of the Activation Code during the validity period specified in the information section of the corresponding Object on the Site.

4.2.4. The License Agreement shall be available on the Copyright Holder’s website and/or during the installation of the corresponding computer program or during the subscription process.

4.2.5. The terms and conditions for the provision of services by the Contractor shall be brought to the attention of the Customer in the terms and conditions on the Contractor’s website or otherwise.

4.2.6. The object shall be used by the Customer exclusively for its intended purpose for personal purposes. The Customer shall be entitled to use the Object for the beneficial purpose including reproducing, processing, distributing, publicly displaying, importing, renting, publicly performing, broadcasting or cable broadcasting, or making it available to the public.

4.2.7. The Customer shall not be entitled to place links to Objects available for use on any resources in such a way the third party to be able to access to these Objects.

4.2.8. The Customer shall be prohibited from providing the third parties with the information necessary to gain access to the Object and the Activation Code.

4.2.9. The Customer shall be entitled to use the Objects exclusively on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, unless otherwise specified when selling the Object.

4.2.10. After payment for the Order returns and exchanges of Activation Codes shall not performed.

4.2.11. Within one hour from the receipt of payment Ozon shall send the Customer download link and Activation Code. To gain access to the Object including copying into the memory of user equipment (downloading), the Customer shall follow the link and enter the Activation Code.

4.2.12. If the Object using available in terms of the provided Activation Code, the Customer shall be entitled to contact Ozon within 30 calendar days with request to provide with new Activation Code. Ozon shall checks the Activation Code within 3 calendar days. If in terms of such a confirmation replace is requires, the Customer shall be sent new Activation Code.

4.2.13. The Customer shall be entitled to use the link and gain access to the Object for downloading within 30 calendar days from the date of sending the link and Activation Code. After the specified period the Customer shall not be able to apply the Activation Code and gain access to the Object. Funds transferred to pay for the Order are non-refundable.

4.2.14. Ozon shall not bear responsibility for the Customer’s use of the Object; the Customer shall assume all responsibility in case of violation of the law or the rights of the third parties in connection with the use of the Object.

4.2.15. Ozon shall not bear responsibility for the content, reliability, practical applicability of the Object in addition to incompatibility with the Customer’s user equipment; all Objects shall be provided “as they are”.

4.2.16. Ozon shall not bear responsibility for losses caused to the Customer or the third parties due to the Customer’s failure to comply with the Terms and Conditions, use of the Object for other purposes, or due to failure to familiarize himself with information about the Object and the procedure for its use.

4.2.17. Ozon shall not bear responsibility if the Customer is unable to use the Object resulting from use of the Activation Code by the third parties.

5. Return of the Goods #

5.1. General return conditions #

5.1.1. The Customer shall return the Goods of appropriate quality to the Seller after receipt, the terms and conditions are set out here.

5.1.2. The Goods requiring flammable fuel (gas, gasoline, etc.) to operate shall be accepted for return in case of complete removal from the tank or cylinder where contained during operation.

5.1.3. If the Goods is returned with the assistance of the Seller or Delivery Service, Ozon shall provide them with the contact information of the Customer or Order Recipient to arrange the return of the Goods.

5.2. Return or exchange of the Goods of appropriate quality #

5.2.1. Return or exchange of the Goods of appropriate quality shall be executed if the specified Goods has not been used, its presentation, consumer properties, seals, factory labels, etc. are preserved along with the confirmation of the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified Goods on the Site. If traces of use of the Goods are detected, Ozon or the Seller shall reserve the right to refuse refund on this basis. When returning the Goods of appropriate quality, delivery costs and customs duties (if any) shall not be compensated.

5.2.2. The Goods of appropriate quality in some categories cannot be exchanged or returned. Read more here.

5.3. Return of the Goods of inadequate quality #

5.3.1. If the Customer returns the Goods of inadequate quality, the Seller shall return to him the cost of the returned Goods in addition to the costs of delivery from the Customer of the returned Goods no later than 10 days from the date of receipt by the Seller of the Goods of inadequate quality, provided that the defect in the Goods implies as manufacturing defect and have not arisen due to fault of the Customer. If the Customer’s Order contains Goods of appropriate quality, the delivery cost shall not be reimbursed.

5.3.2. If defect is detected, the Customer shall return the Goods to the manufacturer, Ozon or the Seller. To process the return of the Goods, Ozon shall at its discretion take into account the requirements of the law, request the originals of the warranty card (if available) and/or the certificate (conclusion) of the service center.

5.3.3. The Seller shall offer the Customer partial compensation for defective Goods without returning the Goods. If the Customer consents partial compensation is calculated in the same manner the Customer paid for the Goods. The Customer shall be entitled to return the Goods for another reason. The amount of funds subject to return on the new basis shall be reduced by the amount of the previously provided partial compensation.

5.3.4. For more information on the methods and procedures for returning the Goods of inadequate quality, see here.

5.4. Violation of assortment conditions (re-grading) #

5.4.1. In case of transfer of the Goods in violation of the assortment conditions, see the rules of art. 421 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If a mis-grade is detected, the Customer shall be entitled to:

(a) refuse the excess Goods and demand replacement with the Goods in the assortment specified in the Order, or refund of the funds paid for the Goods not actually delivered. The Goods should be returned to Ozon or the Seller (if delivered by the Seller).

(b) accept the Goods and Ozon shall be entitled to require the Customer to pay for it at the price set by the Seller on the Site when have transferred of the Goods (including in court). If the actually transferred Goods is not in the assortment presented on the Site when have transferred the Goods, this Goods shall be paid for at the price agreed with Ozon.

5.5. Violation of quantity conditions #

5.5.1. When transferring the Order the Customer discovers discrepancies in the quantity of Goods in the Order, the Customer shall be obliged to immediately inform Ozon or the Seller about the fact.

If the Customer violates the condition of informing Ozon or the Seller, they shall not be entitled to refuse to satisfy the Customer’s claims regarding the quantity of the transferred Goods.

5.5.2. If the Customer has received a smaller quantity of Goods than determined by the Order (under-delivery), the Customer when transferring the Order shall be entitled to accept the Goods in the part corresponding to the Order and request for the missing quantity of Goods be transferred, or hen the missing Goods have been paid for to refuse the Order in part of the missing Goods and request for refund for the missing Goods.

5.5.3. The transfer of the missing Goods shall be executed by placing a new Order. If the price of the Goods has increased, you shall contact Ozon or the Seller before placing a new Order. If the missing Goods was not previously paid for by the Customer or its cost was returned to the bank card, the Goods can be paid for in any available method when placing a new Order. If it fails to transfer the missing Goods, Ozon or the Seller shall notify the Customer about the fact.

5.6. Performance of Customer’s requirements #

5.6.1. Exchange of the Goods of appropriate quality or replacement of the Goods of inadequate quality shall be executed by returning the Goods to Ozon followed by cancellation of the Order or Goods, then placing a new Order. Cancellation is a technical operation and does not imply the Seller’s refusal to implement the contract. The funds shall be returned to the Customer in full. If at the time of the Customer’s request no similar Goods are available for sale from the Seller, the Customer shall be entitled to refuse to execute the sales contract and request a refund of the amount paid for the specified Goods. The Seller shall return the amount of funds for the returned Goods within the period established by law.

5.6.2. The Customer shall repair the Goods of inadequate quality at authorized service center of the Goods manufacturer or transfer to the Seller for repairs during the established warranty period for the Goods, if the repair is performed by the Seller of the Goods. For more information on repair methods and procedures, see here.

5.7. Return of goods on promotion #

5.7.1. When purchasing a set of Goods on promotion when discount was provided for one of the Goods or all Goods in the set, the Goods of appropriate or inadequate quality can only be returned as part of the set. Returns of individual items from a set shall not be available unless otherwise provided in the promotion rules.

5.8. Return of the Goods purchased on credit #

5.8.1. Interest on the loan shall not be reimbursed for returned Goods purchased on credit.

5.9. Refund #

5.9.1. Refunds for returned or not actually transferred Goods shall be executed out by Ozon by one of the following means depending on the method of payment for the Order in accordance with the terms and conditions here.

5.9.2. If no cash flow (debit or credit) has been presented in the Balance within the last three years, the funds shall be cancelled. Ozon shall be entitled to adjust the amount of the funds to be incorrectly displayed in the Balance without obtaining the prior consent of the Customer.

5.9.3. The Customer shall use the funds presented in the Fund Balance according to the terms and conditions here.

6. Other terms and conditions** #

6.1. Intellectual property #

6.1.1. All text information and graphic images placed on the Site shall be implicated as the property of Ozon, the Sellers and/or the counterparties.

6.2. Guarantees and liability #

6.2.1. Ozon and the Seller shall not bear responsibility for the damage caused to the Customer due to improper use of the Goods Ordered on the Site.

6.2.2. Ozon shall not bear responsibility for the content and operation of External Sites.

6.2.3. Ozon shall be entitled to assign or otherwise transfer its rights and liabilities arising from its relationship with the Customer to the third parties.

6.2.4. Ozon shall not bear responsibility for losses resulting from the Customer to provide with his phone number another person as property, including resulting of long-term (from 3 months) non-use of such phone number by the Customer.

6.2.5. Ozon shall not bear responsibility for the accuracy and accuracy of the information provided by the Customer in terms of Verification.

6.2.6. The Sellers technically shall be able to provide the Customers with links to the third-party resources and online services. Ozon shall not own these web services and not bear responsibility for the materials posted here or for the policies of the third-party companies. Ozon shall not supervise such resources in any manner and not bear responsibility for possible violations or damage resulting from the use of such sites and the operations of the third parties.

6.2.7. The Customer shall guarantee that:

  • The Goods shall not be purchased for resale to the third parties, but exclusively for personal use, and be used for civil purposes only.

  • The Goods shall not be used in any activity related to:

  • design nuclear explosive devices or activities within the nuclear fuel cycle,

  • development, production or repair of chemical or biological weapons,

  • production or repair of weapons or military equipment,

  • development, production or repair of chemical or biological weapons.

  • The Goods shall not be used in any regions subject to applicable national or international export controls.

6.3. Personal information #

6.3.1. Ozon shall process personal data of the Customer to implement the Terms and Conditions.

6.3.2. The Customer hereby shall provide with consent to Ozon for automated along with to without automation tools applied, collection and processing of the following personal data: full name; delivery address; contact information (phone number and email address); information about orders (numbers and contents of orders); recordings of calls (conversations); Bank details; other data independently provided by the Customer to Ozon (as part of placing and delivering the Order) - for example, gender and age.

The purposes of collecting and processing personal data shall be implied as interaction of Ozon with the Customer, implementation of liabilities and exercise of the rights of the parties in accordance with the Terms and Conditions along with providing Ozon to the Customer with the opportunity to apply the functionality of the Site.

The consent shall be implied as valid for the period necessary to achieve the above purposes, but in any case not longer than the validity period of the Terms and Conditions except when longer period for processing personal data is provided for by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The list of activities with personal data with the consent applied is accumulation, storage, modification, addition, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access) to the operator of the Brokerage platform - Brokerage Inc., LLP, BIN 190940031534, depersonalization, blocking and destruction personal data. By transferring personal data of the third party to Ozon, the Customer shall confirm and guarantee the consent of the third party to such transfer. Ozon shall be entitled to for the purposes and under the conditions specified in this consent to transfer personal data and/or entrust collection and processing to Internet Solutions, LLC (registration number 1027739244741, address: 123112, Russian Federation, Moscow, 10, Presnenskaya Embankment, office I, floor 41, room 6) in full or in part.

6.3.3. When placing the Order with payment in installments, credit, the Customer shall consent to Ozon for automated in addition to without automation tools applied, collection and processing of the following personal data: telephone number.

The purpose of collecting and processing personal data is to provide Ozon to the Customer with the opportunity to receive credit offers (to pay for the Order in installments, credit) from credit institutions connected to the Brokerage platform.

The consent shall be valid for the period necessary to achieve the above purpose, but in any case not longer than the validity period of the Terms and Conditions (in terms of placing the Order with payment on credit), except in cases where longer period for processing personal data is provided for by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The list of activities with personal data with the consent applied is accumulation, storage, modification, addition, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access) to the operator of the Brokerage platform - Brokerage Inc., LLP, BIN 190940031534, depersonalization, blocking and destruction personal data. By transferring personal data of the third party to Ozon, the Customer shall confirm and guarantee the consent of the third party to such transfer. Ozon shall be entitled to for the purposes and under the conditions specified in this consent to transfer personal data and/or entrust collection and processing to Internet Solutions, LLC (registration number 1027739244741, address: 123112, Russian Federation, Moscow, 10, Presnenskaya Embankment, office I, floor 41, room 6) in full or in part.

6.3.4. More detailed information about confidentiality and protection of personal information shall be provided here.

6.4. Conditions for publishing reviews on the Site #

6.4.1. Only Customers who have placed and received an Order can leave reviews.

6.4.2. Rules for publishing reviews listed here.

6.5. Communication and other terms and conditions #

6.5.1. Ozon or the Seller shall send notifications and messages to the Customer at the email address specified during registration and/or to the personal account in the “Notifications” or “Messages” sections.

6.5.2. If any issues arise, the Customer must contact the Ozon Contact Center or the Seller’s Customer Service by phone. If a claim arises, the Customer must send it by registered mail with return receipt requested or by hand to the address: 050040, Almaty, Bostandyk district, 77/7 Al-Farabi Avenue, 6th floor. The claim shall be deemed to have been sent by the Customer if it is sent to the legal address of Ozon.

6.5.3. Responses of Ozon or the Seller to the Customer’s requests and claims shall be considered sent properly if they are sent to the Personal Account, either to the Customer’s email address specified during registration or in writing to the Customer’s postal address (if there is such instruction from the Customer).

6.5.4. To the extent not regulated by the Terms and Conditions and not in compliance with hereby, Ozon ID Terms and Conditions of Application dispose to the relationship between Ozon and the Customer. The Ozon ID Terms of Application forms an integral part of the Terms and Conditions.

6.5.5. The parties shall resolve all arising disputes via negotiations; if no agreement is reached, the dispute resolution shall be presented to judicial authority in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6.5.6. Recognition by court of invalidity of any provision of Terms and Conditions shall not entail the invalidity of the remaining provisions.

7. Information about Ozon and Sellers #

7.1. Ozon details shall be posted here.

7.2. Information about Sellers, which Ozon is obliged to provide in accordance with the requirements of consumer protection legislation, shall be posted on the Site next to the name of the Seller under the sign “i”.

8. Information about authorized body and subjects of pre-trial of settlement of consumer disputes** #

8.1. The Customer shall be entitled to apply to the Authorized Body, subjects of pre-trial settlement of consumer disputes, or to the court for the protection of his violated rights and legitimate interests.

8.2. Details of the Authorized Body are posted on the website: https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/mti-kzpp/contacts?lang=ru.

8.3. Details of the subject of pre-trial settlement of consumer disputes are posted on the website: https://e-tutynushy.kz/.

9. Language of the Terms #

9.1. The conditions shall be drawn up in Russian and Kazakh languages. In case of any inconsistency between the Russian and Kazakh versions, the Russian version shall prevail.

Definitions #

The following meanings of words are used in the Terms and Conditions:

Balance of Funds (Balance) is a section of the Customer’s Personal Account reflecting information about the amount of funds that are subject to return to the Customer in case of cancellation of the Order or the Goods previously paid by him in addition to other similar cases. The amount of funds displayed on the Balance shall be used as payment for subsequent Orders of the Customer or returned to the Customer in the manner specified in the link. The Balance is not a bank account and is intended solely for Customer information.

Ozon is “OZON Marketplace Kazakhstan”, Limited Liability Partnership (BIN 211040009534), which is the owner of the Site, the Seller or acting in relations with the Customer on behalf of other Sellers.

Seller is “OZON Marketplace Kazakhstan”, LLP, or another legal entity or individual entrepreneur indicated as the Seller on the Goods page.

Website is an information system posted on the website ozon.kz, ozon.com and/or in Ozon mobile application, which provides Customers with the opportunity to select and purchase Goodss.

Delivery service is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur providing services in delivery of Orders to Customers in the name and on behalf of the Customer, Seller or Ozon.

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