To get a refund, create a return request. Learn more about creating a return request
You receive a separate refund for each product and delivery. To view the refund status of canceled products, open the My Returns section in your personal account.
We don’t refund the delivery cost if you cancel the order after it’s handed over for delivery.
For international transfers, it may take longer to send money to your card.
Refund statuses of a canceled order #
You can view the refund status in the My returns section. It’s visible for 2 weeks.

Statuses and their values #
Money transferred to the card: we’ve sent the money to the card you used to pay for your order.
Money returned to the Balance: we’ve sent the money to your Balance of funds. You can use it to pay for further orders on Ozon.
The refund has not started yet: you’ll receive a notification once we refund the money. It usually takes up to 3 days.
It was not possible to return the money: an issue occurred with your refund. Please, contact our support team.
Refund period after cancelling the order #
Order was paid less than 6 hours ago #
When you pay for the order, we hold the amount instead of charging it right away. If you cancel an order, we immediately release the amount you paid for the canceled products.
Usually, the bank doesn’t send a notification about reversing a payment. If you cancel an entire order, the charge for it disappears from the transaction history.
You can find full information about details on your payment and its reversal in the bank statement. If your payment wasn’t reversed, contact your bank’s support team.
Over 6 hours have passed after order was paid #
We charge the card 6 hours after you pay for the order. If you cancel the order, we refund the money within 72 hours.
The refund period depends on the bank and the payment system.
Refund period after returning products #
Return checking and acceptance #
We need to check the product before making a refund.
Return method | Verification period |
The product is delivered by a partner or a seller | When the returned product is delivered to the seller’s warehouse, the seller checks it and makes a decision on the refund within 7 days. After returning the product, you can track its arrival to the seller’s warehouse with the tracking number provided by the delivery service. |
The product is delivered by the Ozon partner | After you return the product, it’s sent to the specified address. Then it’s delivered to Ozon’s warehouse. We check it and after that make a decision on a refund within 10 days. When returning the product, you can track its arrival to the Ozon warehouse with the tracking number provided by the delivery service. |
If a longer check is needed or the product is non-returnable, we’ll inform you about it in the status of your return request inside the My returns section.
Money refund #
If the refund is approved, we’ll send the money within 10 days and a notification about it. The refund period depends on the bank and the payment system.
We can refund the delivery cost, if the product is of improper quality. For example, if:
- it’s fake;
- it doesn’t match the description or is entirely different from what was advertised;
- it was delivered expired or with sings of use;
- it was damaged during delivery or has visible defects;
- it’s missing parts or incomplete as a set;
- it functions poorly or doesn’t function at all.
If you return a product of proper quality, we don’t refund its delivery cost. For example, if the product didn’t fit.
Account for receiving your refund #
The money are returned to the Balance of funds within 10 days. If this doesn’t happen, get a statement from your bank and conctact our support team.
Learn more about bank statements
We send the money to your card within 10 days after you cancel the order or return the product. The accrual term depends on your bank and payment system.
For international transfers, the time limit for depositing money to your card may be longer.