Packing Returns

You can return the product within the specified time limit.

Return products in proper condition, with no signs of use and in the same package as you received when you purchased them. We recommend that you keep the package of the product for as long as the return period lasts.

When preparing the return, pack the products so that they aren’t damaged during transportation.

Below are recommendations for packing some categories of products.

Liquids #

Make sure the package is tight.

Fragile products #

  1. Wrap the product with the film that came with the package.
  2. Put it in the box.
  3. Fill the empty space of the box with some materials, for example, with paper.

Bulky products #

Use the manufacturer’s package, including foam blocks, which ensure safe shipping in a box.

Potentially dangerous products #

Products filled with flammable substances are potentially dangerous and are accepted only with an empty fuel tank or cylinder. This ensures the safety of people and property.

Examples of such products:

  • gas cylinders,
  • internal combustion engines,
  • tools and equipment with an internal combustion engine or powered by combustible substances.

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