Creating a Strong Password

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Your password must:

  • differ from the current and old password;
  • consist of 8 or more characters;
  • contain upper and lower case letters, digits, and symbols;
  • consist of the Latin alphabet letters.

Don’t create a password based on your account name or a real word.

Creating a strong password #

Don’t use the examples below as your own password.
  • Use a random set of letters, digits, and symbols. The longer the password, the better. This way it’ll be harder to hack you.
  • Remove all vowels from the phrase to create a unique password. For example, “FLsSmllBrd” is “a fly is a small bird”.
  • Create an abbreviation from the first letters of your favorite song or phrase that you know well. For example, “tdattahtwnt” — “these dreams are tied to a horse that will never tire”.
  • Capitalize some letters, add digits and symbols, including punctuation marks. For example, “!MhtMlnkPtchk_20” or “*tDatT1ahtW8nt!”.
  • Change your password every few months. This way you’ll avoid a possible leak.
  • Don’t use the same password for multiple accounts. If hackers have compromised one site, they’ll try to use the passwords they received to access other sites and apps.

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