List of amendments in the Agency agreement

Agency agreement — Standard Terms and Conditions #

Effective date List of changes Downloads
18.02.2025 1. The procedure for submission and signing of reporting documents has been updated. The Agent shall send the reporting documents not later than on the 8th calendar day, and the Principal undertakes to send the signed reporting documents or reasoned objections within 2 business days (clause 4.3).

2. The amount of the Agent's liability shall not exceed the amount of the Principal's liability to the Sender (clause 5.1.1).

3. In case of provision of incorrect data, which led to the incorrect calculation of the Agent's remuneration, the Principal undertakes to pay the Agent's remuneration in full (clause 5.11).

4. Acceptance of returned Shipments at the Principal's warehouse shall be carried out within 2 calendar days, excluding the day of collection of the Shipments (clause 6.4, Annex No. 1).

5. If the Agent discovers Shipments for which the Agent has previously paid compensation to the Principal, the Principal undertakes to return the compensation for each such Shipment (clause 6.5, Annex No. 1).

6. Annex No. 5 has been added, containing provisions on the maximum Declared Value, maximum and minimum weight and dimensional characteristics, tariffs for the Declared Value service and return of Unclaimed Shipments (Annex No. 5).
Agency agreement dated February 18, 2025
25.06.2024 1. The Agent shall be entitled to dispose of Shipments without the Ozon barcode or with an unreadable Ozon barcode found in the Agent's warehouse (clause 3.10, Annex No. 1).

2. The Agent shall be entitled to dispose of a returned Shipment if the Principal fails to collect it within 10 days from the date when the Agent sends the relevant status via API (clause 6.3, Annex No. 1).
Agency agreement dated June 25, 2024
16.02.2024 1. It has been clarified that the Agent is not liable in case of damage to the shipping packaging, provided that the factory packaging and the content of the Shipment are not damaged (clause 5.10.7).

2. The requirements for the packaging of goods have been added. The Agent has the right to refuse to accept the Shipment from the Principal if the packaging does not comply with the specified requirements (e.g., volume and weight restrictions are not met, there is no barcode label, fragile goods are not marked) (Annex No. 4).
Agency agreement dated February 16, 2024
17.11.2023 1. Transmitting the relevant status via API and/or drawing up an electronic document in the Principal’s Personal Account s are equivalent to signing the paper documents (clause 7.9.).

2. The requirement that the acceptance certificate shall be printed by the Principal and signed by the Parties on paper has ceased to be effective. The acceptance certificate generated by the Principal in the Personal Account and/or via API shall be deemed to have been duly signed by the Principal and equivalent to the acceptance certificate on paper (clause 2.4. of the Annex No. 1).

3. The transmission of the status “Handed over to the delivery service” by the Agent via API and/or in the Principal’s Personal Account, confirming the acceptance of the Shipments, shall be equivalent to the Agent’s signing the acceptance certificate on paper (clause 3.1. of the Annex No. 1).

4. It has been clarified that Shipments not placed on pallets shall be uploaded by the Principal (clause 2.6. of the Annex No. 1).
Agency agreement dated November 17, 2023
22.08.2023 1. The Principal shall transfer to the Agent Shipments with a label with a bar code (clause 2.3. of the Annex No. 1).

2. It has been clarified that only Shipments placed on pallets may be uploaded (clause 2.6. of the Annex No. 1).

3. Terms and conditions regarding acceptance of Shipments at the Agent’s warehouse in accordance with the actual process (Clauses 2.6., 2.7. of the Annex No. 1 have been deleted, clauses 3.1.-3.9. of the Annex No. 1 have been updated).

4. Terms and conditions regarding return to the Principal in accordance with the actual process (Section 6 «Return to the Principal» of the Annex No. 1).

5. The list of products prohibited for transportation has been updated (Annex No. 2).
Agency agreement dated August 22, 2023
28.07.2023 Technical and typographical errors have been corrected. Agency agreement dated July 28, 2023
30.06.2023 Technical and typographical errors have been corrected. Agency agreement dated June 30, 2023
16.06.2023 English version of the Agency agreement has been added. Agency agreement dated June 16, 2023
01.06.2023 1. The list of products prohibited for transportation has been updated (Annex No. 2).

2. The Annex No. 3 "Samples of documents" has been added.
Agency agreement dated June 1, 2023
18.05.2023 Original version of the Agency agreement. Agency agreement dated May 18, 2023

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