Returning Products

If you want to return a product of proper quality, make sure that it meets return conditions.

You can only return orders in the “Received” status.

To return products:

  1. Select products in one of the following ways:

  2. Select the return reason and attach product photos. Attach required photos following the hints to the right of the fields in the request.

  3. Tap Issue a return.

The return request has been issued. Usually it’s approved within 3 days. Keep track of its status in the My returns section in your personal account.

⚠️ Send a return within 7 days after the request approval, otherwise the request will be overdue.

Sending by post #

You can send a return with any local postal service that delivers to Russia. For example, Azerpost, Georgian post, Emirates post, PTT (Turkish post), Israel Post, PE Post of Serbia, and Tajik post.

Send the return to: 7 Magistralnaya str. (Lvovsky microdistr.), P/O box 4, 140961 Podolsk, Moscow region, Russia. Recipient: Internet Solutions LLC.

Save the receipt.

You’ll receive the money after Ozon or the seller gets the products back.

Learn more about refunds

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