Returns Policy

The money for a product and delivery is refunded separately. You may receive it at different times. When returning several products, you may receive money for each of them separately.

The refund status of canceled products is available in the Orders section for 2 weeks.

Payment by card #

Order was paid less than 6 hours ago #

When you pay for the order, we hold the amount for 6 hours instead of charging it right away. If during this period you return the products and we receive and check them, we immediately release the amount you paid for them.

Usually, the bank doesn’t send a notification about reversing a payment, and you don’t see the charge in your transaction history. If you cancel an entire order, the charge for it disappears from the transaction history. When canceling a part of the order, the charge for it is reduced by the amount of canceled products.

You can find full information about details on your payment and its reversal in the bank statement.

Over 6 hours have passed after order was paid #

We charge the card 6 hours after you pay for the order. If you cancel the order, we refund the money within 72 hours.

The refund period depends on the bank and the payment system.

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