Login Methods

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You can log in to Ozon using Ozon ID.

Ozon ID #

Ozon ID is a single account for authorization in Ozon services.

To sign in with the Ozon ID, enter your phone number and tap Sign in. You’ll receive a phone call or a code via text message, push notification, or in the “Safety” chat within your Ozon account. Enter the last 6 digits of the phone number that called you, or the code from the text message.

If Mobile ID is available, you won’t get a call or code. Once you enter your number, you’ll log in to your account automatically.

Ozon ID Terms of Use

Mobile ID #

Mobile ID is a service for authorization by phone number on mobile devices. The mobile operator checks your SIM card number against the one you entered. If it matches, you don’t have to enter a one-time code to log in.

You can sign in with Mobile ID if:

  • your phone is connected to a mobile network and not connected to Wi-Fi;
  • your SIM card number matches the one you entered.

“Safety” chat #

This is the chat where you receive notifications regarding the safety of your account, such as login attempts and authorization codes. The chat is only available to authorized users.

To open a chat, follow the link or:

  1. On the main page, open the Messages section.

  2. Select the “Safety” chat from the chat list.

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